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The Festival of Small Schools of Errezil will stage the trajectory of Maria Dolores Agirre

  • The 34th Eskola Txikiak festival will take place in Errezil on 12 June. Its inhabitants have worked for months in preparation and have prepared an all-day programme. In the afternoon, 5th and 6th students will offer theatre: Attendees will be able to know the life of the writer, radio announcer and professor of Euskera María Dolores Agirre, born in Errezil.

07 June 2022 - 06:03
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

For the second time Errezil hosts the Eskola Txikiak Festival in the village. In fact, in 1995 he organized for the first time this festival, a meeting point for students, parents and teachers of the Eskola Txikiak of Gipuzkoa. Those who at that time enjoyed the party as boys and girls will live this year’s one with their parents or citizenship. Oihana Trula, parents and Irati Manzisidor, the representative of the teachers of the Eskola Txikiak: "The public works. The Auzolan has been imposed throughout the course, among us. And we're happy with the path we've taken. Satisfaction and gratitude for the excellent response we have also received from the teachers, students and parents of small schools in Gipuzkoa”.

The people who will experience Errezil's party taking ideas will be those of Lizartza, who will take the witness and commit to organize the party of 2023.

54 students in different ages

54 students between the ages of 2 and 12 are currently in Errezil school. Small schools are characterized by the interaction between people of different ages, as are the 19 Early Childhood Education students who study in Errezil and the 35 Primary Education students. It is currently located in the building in the centre of Errezil in 1995, but the organizers recall that the Errezil School’s march is long and that in its day there were district schools.

“Thanks to the small school we have in Errezil, we offer the opportunity for our children to grow and educate in their village. They join the relationships among students of different ages, start in their place of origin to develop the learning process and give them the opportunity to deepen their relations with the people,” said Oihana Trula Aginagalde. Director Miryam Urrutibeaskoa has highlighted the characteristics of this public school: "It promotes equal opportunities and inclusiveness; the school of San Martin is the one that wants to put the closeness, diversity and social cohesion at the center."

Great program and in the afternoon the life of María Dolores Agirre in the theater

The party will start at 10:00 with the act of opening.

Between 11:00 and 14:00 various activities will be offered: herri kirolak, inflatable, circus workshop, skills circuit, climbing corner, creativity workshops, batukada...

At 14:30 there will be a popular meal and at 15:30 the concert of Andoni Ollokiegi will delight the food.

At 17:00 the 12 5th and 6th students will stage the life of Maria Dolores Agirre. In 1903 he was born in Errezil, in the Etxeberri house, who would then be a writer, translator, radio announcer and professor of Euskera. At the age of 14 he went to San Sebastian to study magisterium and lived there until his death in 1997. He was a fervent Euskaltzale who worked in different ways to boost Euskera in the city. One of them was the theatrical depiction of St. Thomas Day, which sometimes represented works by Basque authors, translated and wrote plays.

At 17:30 there will be a clown porrusalda of the farmhouse and from 18:30 hours will be closed the day with the concert Argizulo Dup Station.

Those who plan to spend a good day in Errezil will leave it in the Bidania-Goiatz (for those who go from Tolosaldea) or in the parking lot of the company Domusa Teknik (for those who go from Azpeitia), from where they will be able to catch a return bus to Errezil, from 9:00 to 9:00 in the morning.

You are interested in the channel: Eskola Txikien Festa
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