He came in a great atmosphere and humor to the Labastida Crew 2.finalaurrekoa. After a small flutter, the bertsolaris of the two groups were willing to greet attendees with wigs, dresses, posters and other pendants.
Representatives of the Beeeeertsolariak group from the Llanada participated Aitor Najera, Jon Ruiz de Pinedo, Beñat Cano, Oier Arbina and Markel Yoller and the Errexala group of Gasteiz Felipe Zelaieta, Ainara Balanzategui, Marta De Pedis, Kerman Zelaipa.
He dedicated himself to the theme Oier Suara. The session was evaluated by three judges: Egoitz Iradier, representative of the Beeeeertsolariak group of the Llanada, Juan Altuna, of the Errexala group of Vitoria and Ekaitz Elorriaga as judge of the Bertsolaris Association of Álava.
After the collective farewell of each group, the bertsolaris had to practice different collective exercises: from two in two trades, from three in one, from three in three, from invention in three… For the enjoyment of the listeners, humor prevailed throughout the session.
The Vitoria-Gasteiz team will act in the final by jury decision. It is the second group that is classified, the thought group Nombre de Aramaio 1.finalaurrekoan and the third group will be classified in the semi-final of March 12, in the session to be held at the City Hall of Murgia.
The photos of Labastida semifinal can be seen here.
The last semifinal will be held next Saturday, March 12 in Murgia. The final will be played between the three teams.
The final will be held on March 25 at Laudio around the all-day party.
Larunbata, hilak 17, Gasteizko Alde Zaharrean aurtengo Kuadrilla artekoaren finala eta jai eguna ospatu zen. Arabar bertso Kuadrillen eguna ere bai, parte izan diren 14 taldeetako lagunak lanerako, bertsotarako eta gozatzeko prest, talde bakoitzak bere hazitxoa jarri zuen eguna... [+]