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Benito Lertxundi retires

  • The 82-year-old Oriotarra singer will offer her latest concert...
2010ean. Dani Blanco - ARGIA Fototeka
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

It is time to say goodbye. Benito Lertxundi (Orio, 82 years) has been on stage for over half a century – 60 years – and in his appearance on Wednesday morning in Gernika he has chosen the form of two extremes to say goodbye: yes he will leave it, but with a new album in hand: DISC. He offered his memorable performance on November 11, 2023 in the pediment Jai-Alai, where he has appeared, at Lertxundi's request, as a "space full of memories and meanings" for him.

1985. LUZ - LUZ Fototeca

Ibilian, Ez Dok Amairutik

The bard of Orio has not made a slow journey. Next year will be 60 years since the creation of Ez Dok Amairu, one of the group’s creators, Lertxundi. No Dok remembered very well Amairu’s first meeting in an interview with ARGIA in October 2002, talking to the sisters Estitxu and Ixiar Eizagirre:

"For me it was a surreal meeting, I came out with the impression that I didn't understand anything, that I didn't know what we were doing. But there was something in me, an instinct, something that dragged me around, something that told me to keep going. We did some meetings, and from there came the Ez Dok Amairu group. To me, being born again was a baptism. I was already singing, but I realized it. Another personality emerged, another singer. At that time, we began to sing widespread protests."

In those years he published his first short and short albums. This week’s program will also be able to listen to two other known songs of the song: Zenbat gera and Loretxoa, you hear here or there. And also Our lost roads in the second EP. Later, it was also published in his first long solo work, with the seal Herri Gogoa, in 1969. Sung to the guitar, Lertxundi compaginated in her letters mainly love with the social situation of the time. In that round he also met the Ribera de Navarra, and from there came the homonymous song.

Dismantled Ez Dok Amairu, took a solo road, although he also participated in collective projects. As self-taught and improvisation, as has been done so far. Music didn't come from home or school, but she did like singing from the overtables. He learned how to work clay and wood until he met an old lute. And from there to the electric guitar.

Zuberora... and abroad

After Ez Dok Amairu, he went a lot to Zuberoa, and formed a large group of musicians, highlighting the sounds of accordion and harp, and received the help of his friends in the world of writing: two familiar songs, such as Oi Zuberoa and Bizkaia maite, wrote to him Jose Anjel Irigarai.

1989. LUZ - LUZ Fototeca

But he came to Zuberoa by Xabier Lete, who in July 2010 counted Miel Anjel Elustondo in ARGIA. I had always heard him say something about Zuberoa, and he said: "I must know her." Thinking about it, he had finally arrived there, escorted by Lete. Lete went to Yesa and they met at the top of Orhi. But ... "I was there the day we agreed, but he [Lete] didn't show up. Until then, I thought Zuberoa was a town, nothing else. And have a county! ". This conversation is an interesting reading for a number of issues.

In any case, beyond Zuberoa, he also went to Italy, where he met the pianist and composer Antonio Berschi, as well as to Britain and Ireland. He has confessed great admiration for the music of this last country.

Eli Gorostegi - ARGIA Photo Gallery

A new stage began, once they approached 60 years, becoming more settled in the Basque Country. But by then I had Olatz Zugasti by his side for some time, and later the brothers Zeberio, Pello Ramírez, Angel Unzu... Anyone can be quiet next to them. That is what he said a year ago, after the concert he saw in Pamplona, in the concert criticism made by Amets Aranguren for ARGIA.

He's now 82 years old. By no means, to survive on the taboo. Try who is able to do it. Metaphorically or not, as Amets Aranguren suggested in that chronicle, he was already drawing a declamation, sometimes more than singing. "Ez Dok Amairu member disappears from the table."

It still doesn't go away. LAST ROUND ?

2010. Dani Blanco - ARGIA Photo Gallery

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