The United Kingdom is driving migrants out of the country by plane. They are sent to Rwanda, and they are welcomed as refugees there. These planes organize concentrations to stop them one day before the last one leaves the first plane.
In the referendum campaign in which Brexit was voted, Boris Johnson said it would take steps to curb migration. They made an anti-migration policy, under the slogan “Europe has failed us, let us recover our borders”.
Concentrations have been organised against the departure of aircraft in several cities. Many have been the citizens, trade unions and some British acquaintances who have stood up against this measure, such as a bishop of Canterboury and Prince Carlos, according to an exclusive newspaper The Times, among others.
Points of agreement
The first shipment by air of illegal migrants to the second country that reached the agreement between Rwanda and the United Kingdom was published on 14 April on the UK page and a big stone was created.
The agreement mentions that the “most vulnerable” of the refugees Rwanda will receive will be sent back to the United Kingdom, but the points to be made to identify a person as vulnerable are not specified.
The agreement shall last for five years and may be renewed at the end of the period, if requested, for one year.
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