The hotel owners of Baztan and Bidasoa have launched a campaign for the lack of respect suffered. In recent times, the number of incidents has increased considerably and they want to make these problems visible and addressed. Among others, they have denounced disrespect, sexist, clasile, racist and homophobic attitudes.
To start the awareness and awareness campaign, the hotel owners have contacted the public institutions of the region and have already started working with the municipalities of Baztan, Urdazubi, Zugarramurdi, Malerreka and Bortziriak, the municipalities of the region, the Baztan-Bidasoa Tourism Association and the Association of Small Business Companies.
The Baztan-Bidasoa Tourism Association and the municipalities have sent a letter to all the hospitality companies in the region in order to publicize the initiative and request its accession, as they seek massive support to it. The period of accession of the hotel owners will end on 31 January. They will then present the campaign to the press.
You can participate in the campaign or get the details of it by writing to and by phone at 948 59 23 from 10:00 to 14:00 from Monday to Friday.
Zisjordania, Mendebaldeko Sahara, Krimea eta orain zure etxe pareko espaloia. Noiz demontre kendu behar dituzte covidaitzakian tabernek anexionatutako terraza horiek? Ba ez dago batere argi. Agindu kontraesankorrak. Behe lainoa. Etsaia identifikatzea ere kosta egiten da... [+]
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