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From 3 to 13 November, the Hariak Film Festival of Resistance Stories is held in Hernani

  • There will be 13 free films and talks will be held with authors, protagonists or experts in the field, both Basque and international. The film cycle will show the resistance organized in different parts of the world to violations of rights, the oppression of women, violations of the rights of migrants, the rights of children and young people, etc.
Eskubide urraketen aurrean antolatutako erresistentziak izango dituzte hizpide.

25 October 2022 - 11:24
Last updated: 12:28

The City Hall of Hernani has organized for the first time the Hariak Film Festival, with the objective of telling “stories of resistance” and sensitizing citizens to the countless violations of rights in the world. EH Mayor Bildu, Xabier Lertxundi, has described the film cycle as “a milestone”: “The programming is very complete and we will have Basque and international guests”. After each film there will be tertulias and round tables to deepen the subject discussed by the audiovisual.

From November 3rd to 13th, the Plaza Feminista Intercultural will become a movie theater. They wanted to emphasize this space, in which the municipal departments of intercultural cooperation and equality are grouped together, as well as the agents involved in feminism and the fight against racism. All tickets are free and they estimate that it will be the meeting place of 40-50 people per session. Also, during the festival the exhibition “After the footprints of l_s vanid_s” (Following the footprints of missing persons) will be offered.

They will deal with issues as diverse as those affecting the lives of women, migration, racism, sexual rights, abortion rights, children, violence, young people… “We have tried to find new films from different parts of the world: Africa, Latin America, the European camps and also those of Euskal Herria, because here too there are violations of rights,” the organizers explain.

Then the full programming and the protagonists of the tertulias:


19:00 Flowers of the plain. This short film will be broadcast in its original language, Ñomndaa, with subtitles in Spanish, and will feature the presence of Mariana X. Mexican Director Rivera, Doctor of Anthropology and Producer Joshua Vergara.


18:00 Askatasuna. Celina Escher, Swiss Salvadoran director, is a film that has been suspended in the premiere of El Salvador for the threats of anti-abortion groups. In the later colloquium, there will be the presence of Ana María Palacios Briceño, a feminist lawyer specialized in the subject at international level and Naroa Iturri Lizarribar, member of the Askabide Clinic.


11:00 ISIS gero bizi. Alba Sotorra managed to enter the Al-Roj detention camp in north-west Syria and, after two years of shooting, published a documentary presenting questions about ISIS.

18:00 Nik wanted to bezala. The Arab Spring raised hopes and changes in freedom, but it is often forgotten that in the massive protest on 25 January 2011 in Cairo’s Tahrir Square there were brutal violations of the group. The anger of Egyptian women sparked great protest in the defence of their rights. Director Samaher Alqadi went unnoticed in the front line media to detect a female uprising.

The journalist and writer expert in the Middle East, Olga Rodríguez, will contextualize both films.


11:00 Els nostres George Floyd. After the death of George Floyd there were demonstrations in the Spanish State and many groups criticized the social hypocrisy of the time. Marc Almodovar and Ricard González have made a documentary to make visible and report cases similar to those that have occurred in Spain, where the two authors will be present.

18:00 918 nights. Six years after leaving prison, Arantza Santesteban realized the dimension he had in his hands for the first time. It was then that he began to take shape 918 nights, a film that narrates his militant experience.


Special program with students of the Hernani Institute. On the street. Documentary that narrates in the first person the experiences of young foreigners who live or have lived in the street in San Sebastián. The programme will be attended by some of the young people who have participated in the documentary.


18:00 Indestructible. Journalist Xavier Aldekoa and photographer Alfons Rodríguez present this transmedia project that tells the stories of five young protagonists from different African countries.


18:00 Awlad. Overcome barriers. The journalist and director of the film, Ane Irazabal, will take part in streaming. It tells the story of four refugee children.


11:00 Wild North. Documentary that talks about the boundaries between Irún and Hendaia and Mexico - USA. Round table with Josune Mendigutxia, member of the Irun Reception Network, Anaitze Agirre, researcher at the UPV/EHU and Mariana Zaragoza, defender of human rights in Mexico.

18:00 Hemen gaude. In recent years, the Canary Islands have become the main route of access to Europe. The documentary denounces the situation in which they find themselves. The director Javier Ríos and the Saharawi lawyer Loueila Mint, who works for the rights of migrants El Mamy, will speak.


11:00 Neighbors, Live where you live and Invisible lives. Emakumeen migrant plastikoan. Two films denouncing the exploitation and violation of the rights of day laborers in the rural centers of Almería. Human rights activist Nadia Azougagh and activist Nora El Hadramy talk about the issue.

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