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Hariak Resistance Stories Festival Starts November 2 at Hernani

  • The Hernani City Hall has organized for the second consecutive year the Hernani Film Festival, with the aim of focusing resistance against human rights violations. 10 films, both international and Basque, will be screened for free from 2 to 12 November, as well as lectures with authors and experts.
Hernaniko Udalak bigarren urtez antolatu du doako zinemaldia, nazioarteko zenbait herritako erresistentzia istorioak ezagutzeko. / Argazkia: Hernaniko Udala.

30 October 2023 - 09:15
Last updated: 11:14

From Thursday to Sunday, six feature films and four short films will be shown for two weeks at the Hernani Intercultural Feminist Square. The Hariak festival will be held from 2 to 12 November, but on 4 November afternoon the programme will be suspended on the occasion of the demonstration organized by the Basque industry in Bilbao to respond to the judicial aggression against the Basque country.

The Hariak Film Festival aims to highlight human rights violations in different countries of the world, but focuses on the “stories of resistance”: “We want to highlight the strength of the organization and the community,” said Hernani Mayor Xabier Lertxundi. After the performances, talks have been organized with authors and experts on the topics discussed.

The City Hall of Hernani has decided to repeat the initiative of the Plaza Feminista Intercultural, valued as “positive experience”, which had the same format last year. In addition to the films, the exhibition of the Armenian artist Araks Sahakyan can be seen in November. The artist presents it on November 3 through the performance and colloquium Nuit blanche.

In addition to Euskal Herria films such as Esti Urresola Strings and Ander Iriarte Blue Folders, international films such as Armenia, Argentina, Colombia, Spain, Kenya and some Chilean historical resistances will be shown. They stress that many of the audiovisuals that Hariak will broadcast at the festival have been present and have been awarded at international festivals. They will be offered in subtitled original version and the entry will be free

Full programme:

Thursday, 2 November: At 18:00 the opening of the festival and the exhibition and the short film Anahide by Arnaud Khayadjanian, on one of the emotions the inhabitants of the diaspora may feel.

3 November, Friday: At 18:00 Nuit blanche de Araks Sahakyan y coloquio con el artista. Then the Tombé short film by Armenian director Diana Kardumyan and then the UPV doctor in Political Sciences, Asier Blas, will locate the historical context of the political situation in Armenia.

4 November, Saturday: At 11:00 Lasarte-Oria, of the Ihitten association, fable documentary. It collects the voices of three generations of women to bring together and weave so many silenced stories. A colloquium will then be held with Idoia Garzes Aldazabal and Inge Mendioroz Ibañez from the Ihitten association.

5 November, Sunday: 11:00 Short film Although it is by night of Guillermo García López on the Cañada Real de Madrid. Next, talk with Houda Akrikez, from the Women of Tabadol platform, to explain the struggle of these three years that have been without light in the neighborhood.

18:00 Documentary The Letter to learn about the reality of Kenya. It tells the story of a mature woman accused of witchcraft. Then, Trifonia Melibea Obono, journalist, politician, Guinean professor and researcher on African women and gender issues, will contextualize the situation of women in Africa.

9 November, Thursday: 18:00 Documentary The Freytter case of the Freytter association, which tells the case of Professor Jorge Adolfo Freytter killed in 2001 in Colombia. The next talk will include his son Jorge Freytter-Florian, who investigated the murder of his father, the investigative journalist Julián Martínez Vallejo and the feminist and social leader María Alejandra Rojas Ordoñez.

10 November, Friday: 18:00 Documentary of the resistance to existence to know the case of the newspaper Tiempo Argentino. The workers resurrected the newspaper from self-management and created the largest cooperative in Argentina. The lecture will be conducted by Malena Winer, former journal worker and professor at the University of Buenos Aires.

11 November, Saturday: At 11:00 Esti Urresola will present the award-winning short film Strings, accompanied by Sara Ibañez, of the Meatzaldea Bizirik platform.

At 18:00 Documentary Arica explains the study of toxic discharges in the Chilean city of Arica. Subsequently, to analyze the influence of transnational companies on other territories, the ecofeminist researcher Julia Martí, from the Globalization Debt Observatory, will offer a conference.

12 November, Sunday: At 11:00 Documentary "Blue Folders on Torture in Euskal Herria", presented by director Ander Iriarte. The film received, among others, the Argia Award 2023 for the best audiovisual. Here is an interview by journalist Xabier Letona to Iriarte: "The Government has 300 reasons for continuing the issue of torture: 300 Ertzaintza torture cases."

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