The French President, Emmanuel Macron, appeared for the first time in the Elysée before about 300 journalists, including about 300. He outlined the steps he will take in the coming months in order to channel a misguided mandate.
Some of the announced policy measures are the decentralisation process, which begins in 2020. Lower income tax to middle classes. Modify the toilet system and, finally, improve the rules for citizen participation.
After coming to power, Macron has imposed on two "issues": The Benalla case and the political crisis provoked by Jaka. Both cases have shown the authoritarian part of Macron. However, yesterday's hearing did not provide any concrete explanation of the movement of the Yellow Jackets, among other issues. He left it to his Government to explain them and to make policy.
Its main demands do not seem to be the responsibility of the president. Some of them are the recovery of wealth tax (ISF), the recognition of the white vote, the legalisation of the People’s Initiative Referendum (RIC).
However, it noted some measures: He proposed changing the rules of the Shared Initiative Referendum (RIP). He also announced that he would meet the goals set in the 2017 elections: to reduce the number of Members by 25-30%, to establish a proportionality of 15% in the election of representatives and to limit the number of mandates.
These Chavales have announced a weekly initiative for this Friday, on the eve of the May First mobilizations.
Ur kontaminatua ur mineral eta ur natural gisa saltzen aritu dira urte luzeetan Nestlé eta Sources Alma multinazional frantsesak. Legez kanpoko filtrazioak, iturburuko ura txorrotakoarekin nahasi izana... kontsumitzaileen osagarria bigarren mailan jarri eta bere interes... [+]
Two weeks ago, the financing of the French radio stations was at issue, as the French Ministry of Culture intended to reduce subsidies to local associations by 35%. At that time, there were about 200 associations in the labour market, including Euskal Irratiak of Iparralde.
The... [+]
Three months have passed since the elections to the French Parliament. It was July 7, and to everyone's surprise, the New Popular Front on the left, the FHB, won. With the aim of cutting the road to the far right that was successful in the first round, in the second round the... [+]
What seemed impossible or complicated has materialized: The leftist parties undertake to form a single candidature for the elections to the French Parliament. On the occasion of the victory of the far-right RN National Union in the votes to the European Parliament, President... [+]