The day will begin at 10 a.m. in the Buia district. A tour will be made to know the values of Bolintxu and the impacts that will be generated with the construction of the Supersur Enlargement will be analyzed.
After the tour, they will return to Buia and there will be a performance of bertsolaris. Then, they've also organized a popular meal. Throughout the day there will be a photo exhibition at the Casa de Cultura de Buia and you will be able to watch videos.
At 18:00 hours a human chain will be carried out until reaching the Bolintxu waterfall, in the heart of the valley. In the evening, a concert will make more music until 22:00. It is about encouraging participation, inviting and encouraging citizens to enjoy the environment and to have the slogan “Bolintxu Bizirik” heard as clearly as possible.
On the other hand, the legal defence of the valley continues and has resorted to the environmental impact declaration of the new projected road. In this appeal, the agents supporting Bolintxu request that the current declaration be declared void and that the works be suspended for the elaboration of a new environmental impact statement.
Taking into account the cost of the legal work to be carried out, it will be attempted to raise through a crowdfunding project. People wishing to collaborate can do so via the following website.
This news was posted by Uriola and we brought it to ARGIA thanks to the CC-by-sa license.
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