On October 12, coinciding with the day of the regime in the Spanish State, numerous mobilizations were carried out under the motto "Nothing to celebrate". In the spectacular initiative of Pamplona participated sortu and other agents to denounce the colonialist and undemocratic character of the Kingdom of Spain, Christopher Columbus and Felipe VI. They brought down a simulated statue of the King of Spain. Since then, 12 people have been called to the National High Court, charged with crimes against the Crown.
In the face of this situation, Sortu called for the demonstration: In order to continue to denounce the regime and its abuse, he has called to participate in the demonstration that will take place on 16 January at 17:30 a.m. in Antoniutti in Pamplona.
Regime of 78 #ErorikoDa.
Monarchy #ErorikoDa.
The National High Court, the army, the village cage, the story of the transition, Francoist impunity... We will hatch it!
📌 16 January
⏲️ 17:30 Antoniutti. Pamplona. pic.twitter.com/RW236y2EY7
— sortu Nafarroa (@sortuNafarroa) December 29, 2020
In memory of Josu Unanue.
We finish the fall, we are already in the winter. We have lived intensively in recent months in Euskal Herria in general, and in Busturialdea we have also noticed its reflection.
The street, reflecting many expressions, has been bordered to respond to... [+]
The Gernikarra singer Eñaut Elorrieta has written an excellent synthesis for our people, singing “we have come long, we go far”. And it's true, we're a long-term reality, and this region has something to say on that road. The Tree of Gernika remains shaded as it was for... [+]
Sortuk Bilbon tortura independentismoaren aurka erabilitako "praktika sistematikoa" izan dela salatzeko manifestazioaren amaieran Indautxuko Espainiako Poliziaren komisaldegiaren fatxadan Xabier Kalparsororen aurpegia proiektatuz amaitu dute. Torturapean eginiko... [+]
"Konponbiderako ireki den aukera-leihoa" itxi nahi dutela salatu du Sortuk. 2017tik argitaratzen zuen Sortuk Kalera Info aldizkaria, hiru hilean behin, euskal presoak informatzeko asmoz, besteak beste haien eskubideen aldeko mobilizazioei buruz.
‘Independentziarako Indarra’ lelopean, igandean amaitu du Sortuk hirugarren kongresua Bilboko Bizkaia pilotalekuan. Arkaitz Rodriguez buru duen zuzendaritza berriak %89ko babesa jaso du eta Euskal Estatuaren aldeko apustua berritu dute. Kongresuan zehar Herrigaia... [+]
Espainiako Auzitegi Nazionalak deituta, Mikel Albisuk deklaratu du astearte honetan. Preso ohiari babesa adierazteko elkarretaratzea egin du Sortuk. “Gaurko gertaera hau ez da kasu isolatu bat, honen atzean salbuespenezko legedian oinarritzen den Espainiako Audientzia... [+]