In the plaza of the burning incinerator, surrounded by the cross that symbolizes death with the text of Usurbil, the banderoles against the incinerator and in favor of recycling or the cartel on the fire of San Juan de Usurbil, which has been news in a media over the past few days.
Without moving from Usurbil Square, the generation of the future, the youngest, lying on the ground, dead. With this image Aztarrika kicks off the "performance" that the Gazte Asanblada of Usurbil had already announced for this Carnival day.
In the past, and in recent weeks, the Zaldibar landfill has generated a number of disasters that have caused concern and anger to increase further. They wanted to denounce the consequences of the Zubieta incinerator project. They have claimed that they want to live without this kind of infrastructure, that they want to breathe clean air.
They have chosen the song that best gathers these messages for the performance, created and used for the flashmob initiative that was recorded in Zubieta Square in March 2011, 9 years ago. They've danced the choreography of the well-known song "Hartu nahi dut arnasa," which brought thousands of people to dance.
It has been a decade since that flashmob, but unfortunately, the song is still very topical even in the year 2020 that we have just started. A decade later, the incinerator is built and in the process of commissioning. Let's remember what the song proclaims:
"I want to breathe."
I want to breathe oh-oh-oh-ooh! (aa)
This is beautiful! The joke is a joke if you breathe in front of the container (bis)
I have plastic in the nose hole, albal paper in the fillings, eyes, black smoke in the eyes.
However, it will not blind me, I have searched door to door and in the end I have seen it, I have seen the argiya.
I want to work, I need you at home, zero garbage, my breath ...
Oh, oh, oh!
Now, breathing all together on a beautiful side
Oh, ohhh! I want to breathe (bis)
That is beautiful! joke if there is a joke in front of the breathing container Ua ua uf...
It has come, this is the time, let us agree, before it is too late.
It's time, this is time, to decide, not to let go, not to let go.
I want to breathe before it's late, I want to breathe.
I want to breathe oh-oh-oh-ooh! (aa)
Now, taking all at once on your beautiful side breathe oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Now, breathing together in a beautiful space
I want to breathe oh-oh-ooh-oh! (aa)
That is beautiful! Joke is pure joke, because Gipuzkoa NO to incineration!
We are at the gates of carnivals and carnivals. Like every year, immersed in this seasonal era that remains physically cyclical. Although it's still winter, it's when we start to smell its end.
Debates and decisions on this year's costume begin in the whatsapp groups of the crews... [+]
Urtero legez Euskal Herria Plaza eskatu du Tolosako Txosna Batzordeak, baina salatu duenez, udalak aldebakarrez erabaki du txosna gunea Plaza Berrira lekualdatzea.
Herri batzuetan urtero moduko inauteriak izango direla adierazi da, beste zenbaitetan moldatu egin dituzte eta beste batzuetan bertan behera gelditu dira inauteriak. Sarrera honetan beste urteetan ospatu izan diren errituak zerrendatu ditugu, baina horrek ez du esan nahi aurten... [+]
Haratustea baino luzeago egin zaie tolosarrei inauteririk gabeko urtea. Hilaren 24tik martxoaren 1a bitarte berreskuratuko dituzte aurten festak. Karrozak prestatzeko bi aste baino izan ez dituzten arren, aurten ere kaleak hartuko dituzte. Txosnak eta barrakak ere urteroko... [+]
Koronabirusa dela eta izandako etenaldiaren ostean, aurten berriz ospatuko dituzte inauteriak Tolosan. Ostiralean emango ditu zehaztapen gehiago Tolosako Udalak.