United States For 25 years, over 112,000 working women in the world of health have been called at 12:00 this Sunday (3 May) to value sirens to denounce the consequences of the study conducted by prestigious universities and health institutions. According to this study, GuraSOS warns in some cases that the number of breast cancer cases in women living 5 kilometers from urban waste incinerators can increase to 52%, an average of 25%, among women living 10 kilometers away from 15% to 28%.
GuraSOS has made an effort to transfer this reality to the CAV. Taking into account data from the National Institute of Statistics of 2019, in the two incinerators we have in Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, in the areas of influence of Zabalgarbi and Zubieta live almost 600,000 women and, in general, 51% of the population of the CAPV.
To denounce the situation highlighted by the results of this study, on Sunday, 3 May, at 12:00 p.m., riots have been called to denounce that incinerators can cause an increase in breast cancer. To denounce that we are also in a health emergency situation by the incinerator.
GuraSOS warns of increased cases of breast cancer in the population close to incinerators
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