A group of Protestants had since early December organized a camp in the vicinity of Kazan (Tatarstan, Russian Republic) to address the incinerator that is building RT-Invest. The images show that many of the people gathered were old, who complain that the road that is opening up to the location of the incinerator is illegal. On 16 December last, a large group of special policemen and private guards were deployed in camps and dismantled in tissue shops, stoves and other shops, and, according to reports from social networks, several of the protesters were arrested. In the images you can see older people singing in front of the police crushing:
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This questionnaire lasts approximately five minutes, approximately five minutes. This year a new edition of the Summer Fair of San Sebastian has been held. This year the first edition of the Summer Fair of San Sebastian has been held. This year the International Women’s Day of Ermua has been celebrated. This questionnaire will be a sample of the number of members of the Basque Government Council, which is indicated at the top of the clinical picture of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country pic.twitter.com/MgZihqQEaT.
Currentber 16, 2019
Comprehensive monitoring of environmental conflicts around the world (Environment Justice Atlas: The Atlas of Environmental Justice) gathers the Tatarstan incinerator's conflict between Russia's environmental conflicts. The authorities of the Russian Federation have planned five new incinerators in their territory, four in the Moscow area and one in Tatarstan, within the ‘Russia Verde 2017-2020’ plan.
As throughout the world, the Kazan incinerator project mobilized against a group of citizens who denounced that in selective collection their authorities do nothing, that the incinerator will cause many economic, polluting and ecological damage, and that they will study and work alternatives such as the Zero Waste model that the American city of San Francisco has popularised in the world.
The authorities have repeatedly stopped the citizens’ protests, both in the capital of Moscow (directly banning concentrations) and in Tatarstan, dissolving the camp that had been set in motion and carrying out its arrest.
Zero Waste Europe-k (ZWE) Espainia, Txekia eta Lituaniako hiru erraustegiri buruz argitaratu duen ikerketa berri batek egiaztatu du instalazio horien inguruetan kutsadura maila handia dagoela, eta hori arriskutsua litzateke ingurumenerako eta gertu bizi diren pertsonen... [+]
Zumarragan 2023 amaierarako eraiki nahi duten plastikoak tratatzeko plantan pirolisia erabiliko da olioa lortzeko (takoil), eta olio hori plastiko berria eta erregaiak egiteko erabiliko da. "Hondakin solidoak errez erregaia sortzen du, eta Europar Batasunaren beraren... [+]
Bergarako Udalaren webgunean irakur daiteke albistea izenburu honekin: 200 langileko kooperatiba batek Bergaratik joatea erabaki du Valogreene-k bertan ezarri nahi duelako hondakinen planta. "Paper-industriaren hondakinen tratamendurako planta Bergaran ezarri aurretik,... [+]