“Circular Economy: What are you doing?” and what do you do?) Under the motto, the main companies involved in waste management will meet from 7 to 9 October at the global congress to be held by the ISWA employers, including Spanish employers. Waste management professionals from all over the planet, politicians, industrial leaders, planning officials, scientists and young professionals, in total 1,200 people, will come together there.
The main institutions of Spain and the CAV are sponsoring this congress in Bilbao, together with the public companies IHOBE and GHK, and among their sponsors, Urbaser is listed as a silver sponsor for putting most of the money. -Tianying.
Here is the point that ISWA has made from the very beginning to the 1,200 listeners who will meet in Bilbao: “The scientific programme will analyse sustainable waste management, the circular economy, resource use (…) waste reduction, prevention, re-use and recycling, climate change…”.
The employers of the incinerators claim that it can make a great contribution to curbing the flooding of the climate by burning rubbish. One of the main documents of the European Association of Incinerators of the Basque Country in 2018 says from the title: “Incineration contributes to the European Union’s long-term greenhouse gas reduction strategy”.
In the accounts of these companies, greenhouse gas emissions from waste management have been reduced in recent years, because they are recycled more, transported less to underground landfills and incinerated more. That is why they propose to go further along the road that has been taken so far, because “an annual reduction of 175 million tonnes of CO2 can be achieved, as well as the total CO2 that the Netherlands spills when burning fossil fuels, if we take the waste that we still bury to the highest systems in the waste hierarchy”, that is to say, to incinerators.
Pello Zubiria explained in the report Incinerators do not fear the beautification of the climate that this industry claims to be agents of the fight against climate change, using manipulated data.
In the image below the sponsors of the day:
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