The Royal Academy of the Basque Language has announced that the linguist and honorary scholar Erramun Bajo died yesterday at the age of 96. It was created on 26 December 1928 in Suhuskun (Baja Navarra). Baxoke participated in numerous projects in favor of pedagogy, sociolinguistics and culture of the Basque Country, as well as analyzed the sociolinguistic situation of the Basque Country in the Northern Basque Country, was president of the Cultural Institution between 1995 and 2005 and member of Eusko Batasuna. Euskaltzaindia appointed him an honorary member in 2010.
Although the domestic language was Basque, he studied in French. He is a Bachelor of Philosophy from the University of Strasbourg and a Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Montreal. As a young man, he moved to France and Canada. However, it has always been concerned about its origin and about the Basque country. For this reason, he has carried out numerous studies, such as the influence of bilingualism in the Basque Country, the Basque culture and identity in the twenty-first century and has analyzed the relations between young people and the Basque Country.
In addition, it was part of the creation of the Cluster of Sociolinguistics. After returning from Québec, Canada, the Sociolinguistics Cluster emerged from an idea proposed by Baxoke. The objective is to investigate sociolinguistic knowledge, disseminate it, create dynamics and tools to respond to the needs and needs, and be a reference research center for the revitalization of the Basque Country.
He talked about the Basque identity, the presence of the Basque in the university, the law of the French language, and he did so in the interview carried out in ARGIA in 2021.
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