On 15 June, the trial will begin against the seven young people who were arrested in Bilbao in May last year, according to EiTB. On that day, ERNAI mobilized in the Basque capital to denounce the situation of young people, and in the vicinity of Sabin Etxea la Ertzaintza arrested seven young people and detained seven young people. On the other hand, two people had to be cared for in the hospital for a traumatic brain injury with a poor prognosis.
In order to denounce this trial, and in solidarity with young people, the youth organisation organised a mobilisation on Saturday, 4 June. The demonstration will start at 17:30 hours from Plaza Elíptica in Bilbao.
Hard penalties
Erandio’s new spokesman, Ane Álava, has announced the sanctions that are required against these seven young people, who have been sanctioned. In his view, young people who are going to be tried have petitions of between twelve and eighteen months in prison and the Public Prosecutor’s Office also asks for fines of up to EUR 20,000.
In addition to the judicial process, the youth organisation has pointed out that the motives for mobilising last year are still there. Structural precariousness, the inability to access housing, the privatization of the educational system and the increase in psychosocial diseases, among other issues, have not changed, even say that "it continues to worsen".
In memory of Josu Unanue.
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