The youth organization has begun a trial process at the National High Court on Thursday. The Basque Government has imposed an economic sanction of €290,500 for the streets that took place in 2023. ERNAI has denounced that this is an economic mechanism of "drowning and eradicating violence".
The movement has decided to appeal to the Department of Security's decision to appeal the ruling for "bias and disproportionality". A judicial proceeding against fines in the Basque Autonomous Community has been opened on 28 November. ERNAI explained that the Basque Government wishes to question the decision of the Basque Government and with it to defend the civil and political rights of the social movements and movements of Euskal Herria.
On September 22, 2023, the streets of the city centre were cut to denounce the imprisonment of two young people in Bilbao and Vitoria. The sitting was held in front of the Spanish Government’s headquarters in Bilbao and the Office of Citizen Care of the Ertzaintza in Vitoria-Gasteiz. The actions in favour of Aitor and Galder were sanctioned with fines of between EUR 1,500 and EUR 2,500 respectively, totalling EUR 290,500.
The law 'hail' has been applied to the identified young people, 133. They are charged with crimes of disorder or obstruction of public roads, spaces or public establishments. ERNAI denounced the "disproportionate" application of the Moorish Law, and stressed that the Basque Government "must defend" itself in the same way.
The appeals have been filed in several courts and the judgment indicates that this Thursday's will probably mark "a milestone", according to the NAIZ newspaper. “Depending on this, other judgments may be conditioned.”
Although they have criticised the "most serious aggression" that has been received so far, they have pointed out that the "wave of solidarity" that has taken place in recent months has been appalling. “We want to make it clear that they are going to be more expensive than we are, because the young independentists are moving forward and we are not going to take steps back.”
Gasteizko Auzitegiko laugarren aretoak ebatzi du Gasteizko isunak bertan behera uztea, eta Bilboko isun batzuk 2.500 eurotik 1.800era murriztea, "gehiegikeria" egon zela argudiatuta. Ernairen arabera, Segurtasun Sailak "arbitrariotasunez" eta... [+]
In memory of Josu Unanue.
We finish the fall, we are already in the winter. We have lived intensively in recent months in Euskal Herria in general, and in Busturialdea we have also noticed its reflection.
The street, reflecting many expressions, has been bordered to respond to... [+]