Although not professionally, they were already related to bees at Lertxundi's house. “Mikel’s parents have always had pollination bees in the orchard, but they did not focus on honey production, but on the benefit of the orchard.” On the other hand, an uncle also had bees and made honey. An accident forced him to leave and took over from Lertxundi. “The uncle gave her the bees, as well as the hives and all the material,” explains Belarra.
Thus he entered the world of beekeeping Lertxundi, with the help of his uncle, his parents and his own partner. Then he took over the Belarra project. “I am still in the learning process. Mikel is my teacher because when she started she received many courses and training,” she says. They are related to the association in favor of the black bee Erbel, in which he worked in his day Lertxundi. “We are working with the black bee, yes with the native bee. How not?” asks Belarra.
In Erlanka they produce four types of honey, two spring and two summer. But not only that: they also sell powdered flowers, propolis and live animals in packets or cores. “This year we are going to start with the royal jelly, but it will already be seen, because you lack childbirth,” says the beekeeper. All these products are sold mainly in small shops and fairs nearby, and also at home.
The grass has highlighted that the learning process of these years has served not only to deepen apiculture, but also to raise awareness: “This is not the only beekeeping, you learn a lot about our environment, it is a way to realize the importance of nature.” The disease of mud, Asian wasp and other difficulties make it increasingly difficult to be a beekeeper, but on the other hand, it perceives that gradually people become aware and value close and quality foods. “It’s not just about consuming honey, it’s about realizing that bees are necessary for this, as they are necessary to deal with nature.”