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Hives over here

  • A special phenomenon is that of bees, a natural process that guarantees the survival of bees. The temperate climate causes exuberant blooms and the prosperity of the blooms causes the "emancipation" of the bees.
Erlakumea. Argazkia:

Bees start to fill with honey, and as the hives fill up, they run out of space to live, so they have time to make decisions.

They will have two options. Don't collect honey and starve in winter or send some bees out of the hive. The beehive also has the advantage that the bee multiplies, ensuring that the bees remain in the future.

This emancipation of bees is called beekeepers.

In this process they create a new queen in the bee and send the old queen from the hive in search of a new place. Thanks to this, the new queen will continue in the hive for laying eggs.

The old queen starts looking for a place. Where to stay looking at what to occupy. It is common to introduce beekeeping in the old roofs, in some of the old abandoned hives or in the blinds of the houses…

Beekeepers consider it normal, especially when flowering is very abundant. On the part of these beekeepers it is not very nice for the bee to leave, as it can beget in the production of honey, but should we try to stay in a natural process? Avoid that?

Are we who care for bees and claim the importance of the bee and also those who want to change the natural process of the bee?

You are interested in the channel: Erlea
The threatened black bee
Six years ago, I did my first apiculture course. Today my trade is that of beekeeping. When I bought the first bees, I didn't even know that there were bees of different races, I don't know what someone could buy, "It's going to be a black bee, right? ". he asked me. I started... [+]

Do enough
Reuse, restore, repair, transform… Perhaps because we live with more than we need…

The ability to clean is a trend that bees have from birth to death. As soon as he is born, he begins to clean the honeycomb, to remove the pieces of wax that he has broken from the hive.

2024-05-27 | Jakoba Errekondo
In the same place...
I was May 4th, Saturday. It wasn't a particularly warm atmosphere, but it was at least cold. Suddenly, a big hum, not heard long ago. Here's a lot of bees on the door of the house, thousands of bees flying, on a sleek synchronized flight, in a dunbot. Erlesemea.

Who's in command in bees?
As in a hive there is only one queen and is the mother of all, it is said that she is the authority, but it is not entirely correct. Queen is very important, but the most important decisions are made by worker bees.

Labour divisions
Unlike humans, the three components of the hive have their functions clear from birth.

2024-05-06 | Garazi Zabaleta
Benefits of Hive Air Inhalation
The collaboration between beekeeper Eladi Balerdi and bee enthusiast José Manuel Atxaga has recently generated an innovative project. They propose the activities "Breathing the air of the hive" and "The sauna of bees", convinced that they are beneficial for health and especially... [+]

2024-02-15 | Estitxu Eizagirre
Mikaela Untsain, beekeeper
"Without beekeeping, bees are no longer able to advance on their own."
The host and beekeeper of the Mattin Jauregi Egonarria programme has visited Azkain in the house of Mikaela Untsain, a referent in this world. He explains that for the bee to last today it is necessary to have beekeepers, who without them will be lost. He explains the bases he... [+]

2024-01-29 | Jakoba Errekondo
Ill-treatment for emanation
The winter pruning is on top, here comes the time to judge, to make judgments: the sentence. We have had the epilogue for a long time and pruning work is done at any time and in any way, including terrible crimes.

Three characters to become a bee
The birth of the hive begins with the laying of a covered queen. Here too, if the egg or the queen was the first…

Dear technician of the department of agriculture...
In the primary sector, it is observed that problems are increasing: climate crisis, pollution, high prices of raw materials or difficulties of access to land… Those of us who want to live on it know what there is, we know that the sector is getting more complicated, but they... [+]

Do you want to learn how to make salmon with propolis?
The recipe to taste apiculture is a propolis salmon with sweet peppers and roasted lemon cream.

The queen of the new generations will be born of an egg chosen by the workers. The panal is full of royal jelly, so that it does not go hungry for 15 days and gets pretty and pretty.

Professional in the trade?
Can anyone with sheep be a pastor? Or just a sheep fan? I don't know where I've stood, I want to be a beekeeper and maybe I'm for some, but when is one?

It's not part of the loss of bees.
Bees, pollination… How important the work of the bee is, the fertilization of plants. What impedes him in this work is the human being, puts the difficulties on him and the human being ends the bee: the damages that we do not see directly as we do not see the work of the bee.

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