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Erkoreka says one of Irun's neighbours killed the other and then committed suicide

  • On Thursday, the corpses of two 53-47 year old men were found in an Irun village. Lakua Security Advisor Josu Erkoreka says they need to look more at the relationship between two people and show solidarity with the families of the deceased.

21 April 2023 - 11:18
Last updated: 12:32
Argazkia: EFE.

Before the opening of the plenary session in the Gasteiz Parliament, Lakua Security Advisor Josu Erkoreka has clarified the hypothesis of the crime in Irun. The mortal remains of two men were found on Thursday in the Aranburu village of Olaberria de Irun (Gipuzkoa). According to early studies, Josu Recalde, 53, killed Ignacio Ábrego, 47, and then committed suicide.

"The Scientific Police and forensic doctors confirm that one killed the other and then committed suicide, both because of the orientation of the shots and because of the circumstances surrounding the bodies and their environment," explains Erkoreka.

"As for the rest, all the hypotheses are open," explains the counselor, noting that the Ertzaintza works with all kinds of opportunities. "You have to look more at it than the relationship between two people. Motivations, environments, activities and family relationships will be investigated. Today there are no acceptable or definitive hypotheses," he adds.

On the other hand, he states that the protagonists had an "economic relationship" when sharing properties and business. It has also sent families a "message of closeness and solidarity".

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