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Blessings of preembryonic seeds

  • I have just received the following question from Bizi Baratzea's mailbox: "The theme came out at the family dinner on St. John's Eve, at the Unanue steelworks, in Azpeitia. In Segura the seeds that we have to sow on the day of Santa Engracia are blessed. Is it appropriate to bring all the seeds to be sown, or would I like to know if it is enough to bring a few of each. Thank you very much. A hug. Aitor Unanue To which I replied:

08 July 2024 - 05:00
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

"There's no question they took him all." Each seed is one and one. The consequence of hybridization or mixture of a father and a mother. A copy of it will never be generated. The only way to generate copies or clones is through controlled hybridization. You may have ever seen the F1 hybrid in some seed bag -- that's the only way to make the same seeds that the same plants are going to produce. On the contrary, conventional seeds generally come from the sexual mixture of the mother who will donate the fruit that transports the father and the seed unknown. Perhaps you know the unknown father and that of the known mother, better known if you seek blessing from the church.

Therefore, since each seed is one and only, the blessing each individual receives will have no effect on the other seeds. The blessing is a blessing; it is not, as the poet Beñat Sarasola Santamaría says, the lunchtime sneeze of the bat. Blessed will be the one who has been wet by the drop of water that separates the path from the miracle. As the one who receives the grace of the blessing is a germ, and as all the seeds are the first in the way of the creation of the plant, his first job is to create roots and hit and pierce the earth as hard as possible, this drop of water will awaken his desire to germinate it, awakening the nucleus of the new plant that sleeps in his bosom. Water creates new cells and makes the vein jump, and if the water is blessed, if getting up and straightening is more pectoral, stronger, braver, greener, stronger, stronger, stronger, firmer, firmer, firmer, firmer, firmer, firmer, firmer, firmer, firmer, firmer, firmer, firmer, firmer.

Do not forget, for the devil, to bless not a single seed. I feel pity for the plant that would follow from that seed: a black sheep from the herd that disturbs, shakes, kicks off, shakes, insurrects and excites the whole field; a false lamb that his mother never licked, a unicorn of empty eyes, the most burned dog in the village, a myserous fowl, a herd of fowl, a herd of pigs. The beetle that will work in the field will soon be yours. The purist will also be ahead of the cleaning work, if this seed has been duly blessed.

Do not make me the curse of the sap of not having soaked a single seed of that miraculous water of Santa Engracia, which became forty nails, never pasting or playing. A day that you will not be able to live from that moment and that you will continue to live, as the Friar poet Bitoriano Gandiaga Artetxe said, if you do not want your soul, for its part, to live in rage.

SP. Please pray that no insurance zopajero will read this, so that they will not bless you with any “seed doubt” or with some more cunning alias that would ever resist the seeds.

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