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Star and Mist Agriculture

  • In 1966 the great Andima Ibiñagabeitia Idoiaga published the translation Unai and the field songs (Bucolicon voluto and Georgicon libri), Virgilio (a.C.). 70-19) collecting in full the works of one of the most famous Latin poets. The translator made an enormous effort to bring classical culture to the Basque country and to assimilate it to classical culture. It also brought us poems from Lukrezio on Nature (De rerum natura), Ovidius Maita-bidea (Ars amandi) and Katulo, among others. He says that he also translated scientific issues, when he says clearly, some of which are not yet published in the Benedictine convent of Lazkao. We will have to approach him…

12 June 2023 - 07:31
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Virgil was a poet who studied medicine and nature sciences. It collects a lot of information about Arl-kantak agriculture. See how he translated what he said, Andima learned philosophy, theology and canon law: “The stars must be investigated because they teach us the seasons of sowing.” He would play a good posture when Andima knew him, in his home of Elantxobe and listening to the orchards of many convents he studied and taught. Stars teach us the sowing stations, and one can also tell from the rest of the work. This is approximately what is now known as biodynamic agriculture. But carefully, because there are some university doctors who will be affected.

The planting season is two, November and June. In November, through the east, through the territory of Virgilio, we brought cereals, including bread or wheat (Triticum aestivum), and in June by the west, Andima died exiled from the area, the maize brought (Zea mays), the bean (Phcubolus vulgaris) and the little.

This last threesome is the time of sowing, sowing, sowing, sowing, sowing and sowing. The month of June is also called sowing, vine, lightning, pear, real age, frost, new May, new comb, rowing, bait and beer; it is the time when the barley sown in the November sowing comes (Hordeum distichon). Then comes the wheat, July, when the wheat comes in. And July bears the name of the month of the biggest harvest, because the bread is collected then.

Barley, wheat, etc. they hit or bulge in the era; summer work to spend the winter without hunger. Virgil says: “Many things are done better on the cold night or when the morning stars splash the fields with the new sun. In the evening, the weak rings and dry veins are better cut; in the evening, the star dew is never missing. (…) In the force of summer, reddish wheat is collected, and at that time the era is also abundant the tanned crop. Bare plough and bare sowing. Winter leads to the laziness of the farmer. It is given in the rigor of the cold when the baserritars enjoy the proceeds and are invited to a joyful holiday, as it looks like a shiny winter that takes care away.”

Spoil the seeds and enjoy the longest days of the year.

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