They have denounced that during this summer's festivities there have also been attacks of various kinds, so they wanted to make it clear that "they are organized and prepared to face them".
Watch video:
In order to confirm that we do not agree with the message disseminated in the hegemonic media and with the action carried out by the young feminists of Uribe Kosta on 21 September in Azkorri, we attach the video of the initiative and its subsequent reading.
In addition to the Kalimotxos and parrandas during this summer’s festivities, there has been no lack of attacks* on women: Phrases such as "if I love you", tapping in txosnas, threats, rejection, persecutions when going to urinate, imposition of music that normalizes the rape and objectification of women, aggressions and marginalization suffered by the LGTBIQ+ group… It would be an endless list if we wrote all the aggressions we have suffered and told us, if all those that we don’t know what to say were added. One of the objectives of our struggle is the deregulation of these standardised behaviors. End the accentuation and impunity of machismo and the aggressions that take place at parties.
Thanks to the heteropatriarchal destructive capitalism, our society has learned that women* are consumer bodies. It is the responsibility of each of us to change this situation. Be clear that every time you support an aggressor you become accomplices to that attack. Your machistometer wins points.
Many will think that you are in favour of “equality”, but this is not the way. Is the way not to do anything about structural patriarchal violence, protected by the state, justice and society? The situations that have occurred in recent times have made it clear to us that our only option is self-defence and direct action. Through this initiative, we reaffirm its legitimacy.
In addition, hegemonic media continue to do their job. They have ignored the aggressions that have taken place during the festivities and criminalized the actions of feminists.
Thousands of times we've had to hear adjectives like crazy, yawning and hysterical, but they're wrong. The young* girls of Uribe Kosta are organized and we are not afraid of you. Only an organized people can save the people. In the face of the 11 assaults suffered during the festivities, this is our answer number 12. We invite you to add to the following. Long live the feminist struggle!
We brought this news from Hiruka to ARGIA with the free licenses CC-BY-SA.
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