The Town Hall of Arrigorriaga has concentrated this Sunday on the seat of the council to denounce the aggression suffered on Friday by a merchant of Chinese origin in its establishment and to show its support to the victim. Furthermore, the Socialist Council organised a rally on 31 December in Baiona to denounce the racist aggression suffered by Janice Froidefond on Christmas Day.
Last December 27, at around 21:30 hours, at least three men beat a Chinese businessman in their Severo Otxoa Street store. Three young people entered the store and moved their belongings. The merchant took charge of the aggression and one of the young men beat him, falling to the ground and kicked him by two other young men who tried to deal with him. Subsequently, the assailants fled and left the site of the event.
As a result of the injuries sustained, Arrigorriaga's neighbour who was hospitalized has suffered a fracture in one arm and one leg, as well as a severe blow to the eye. He's already at home, but he's waiting for an operation.
The daughter of the shopkeeper has indicated that there had already been alterations with the aggressors and that the traders in the area have also indicated that their relatives had been insulted earlier.
The Ertzaintza has reported that one of the aggressors, a 20-year-old, has been handed over to the police station and made available to the courts. The investigation to identify and stop the other aggressors remains open and there have been no arrests. The Town Hall of Arrigorriaga has strongly condemned the aggression and has shown its solidarity with both the victim and his family. The Ertzaintza investigates whether this is a hate crime, although no hypotheses are ruled out.
As Janice Froidefond explained to Berria, while he was in the car, he was followed by a driver of a grey Mercedes. The woman threw the cigarette to the ground out the window of the car and the man going to Mercedes asked him over and over again if he didn't feel guilty. Then, with great lights, he followed Froidefond for a while.
He stopped at a traffic light and the man asked the same question. Then, when the woman came out of the car to ask her to turn off the lights, they punched her in her face, proclaiming racist insults: -Now go, black.
At the same time, two other men threw their sister to the ground and beat her. When Froidefond turned to his sister, one of the men struck him in his head and left him unconscious for five minutes. The assailants also stole Froidefond's car keys and leaked.
The victim, for his part, has also criticised the attitude of the police. He had eyes full of tears, wounds in his body and, although he did not carry the car key with him, the police instructed them to leave the hospital on their own foot, without any other help.
Froidefond and her sister have filed a complaint in which they hope that through the city’s security cameras the car license plate will be identified.
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