“We propose a fiscal hurdle to respond with disobedience to the madness of war and its preparations,” the group says. In short, there are well-known voices that insist on the need to further increase military spending, announcing new wars: “On the part of states is time for militarization and rearmament.”
As the group says, spending on arms means, on the one hand, removing money from other departments (health, education, housing, social services...) and, on the other hand, feeding the possibilities of expanding new conflicts: “We have often found that preparing for war necessarily leads to war.”
Spending on arms means withdrawing money from other departments (health, education, housing, social services...)
The tax objection aims to stop paying part of the tax and allocate this money to other citizen initiatives to build “transformative and solidary alternatives”.
How do you do the fiscal hassle?
Between April, May and June, the Tax Objection Platform will provide a support service for the declaration of income under the Tax Impediment. An office has been opened in Donostia, Bilbao and Vitoria-Gasteiz and an information table has been set up from 18:30 to 19:30 at the Zamudio Gate in Bilbao.
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