The Bilbao Assembly of Precarious Youth wants to highlight the evils caused by betting houses and gambling halls and to seek tools to make them disappear from neighborhoods and towns. To this end, they have listed a number of requirements.
On the one hand, they believe that advertising sports betting should be banned, as is being done in Italy. On the other hand, they have proposed drastic measures to end the facilities that minors have to wager “directly or indirectly” on the crisis. In addition, they consider the consideration and treatment of pathological gambling as “disease” important and believe that the decision to include cases of drug dependence in Navarre should be further deepened.
“Capitalism works by exploiting at work and pushing us to consume
outside of it, so that we spend the money that we have not been able to steal with
added value in things that we don’t need, in this case in
“The exponential increase in the presence of betting houses in the commercials and sports teams has been an impulse to increase the social acceptance of the wager and reinforce the tendency to play,” they explain, and that youth be “the first victim of this problem”, is no coincidence.
Eragin explained that in a recently published study it has been published that 1 in 3 young people of the CAV wager in the betting sector. In the same vein, the assembly has stressed that 66% of the people who go to betting houses are under 35 years of age. “15% of young people who play are at serious risk of becoming a pathetic.”
Regarding the more general data, they indicate that in 2017 € 340 million were spent on wagering on the CAV, which is 10.5% more than in 2016, and 113% more than in 2012, also in Navarra.
This news was posted by Topatu and we brought it to ARGIA thanks to the CC-by-sa license.
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