It is not new: different feminist collectives have been denouncing for years the low presence of women in musical events such as Ultima Rock, especially in the festivals organized by Last Tour International. This year, for example, if we were to remove groups with only men from the cartel, there would be only four groups left; the cartel would be half empty.
They denounce the low presence of women and the public subsidy of 270,000 euros from the City Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz from the different signatories –Plaza Feminista, Red Antifascista, Plazandreas, Asamblea de Mujeres de Álava, JoanGara, Red Lesbianista, Música Directa... In this sense, they have promulgated three commitments “based on a musical world that advocates equality and feminism”.
1. Make way for a leveling musical event. “We need women on stage. We need the commitment of the promoting company and the City Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz to work for equality in the coming years to increase the number of female artists, giving priority to musical groups with a female presence.” In this way, they foresee a Ultima Rock that will reach parity.
2. Prevention and awareness. “We ask for the collaboration of the City Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz and the willingness of the organization of the musical event to establish an informative stand to work on the prevention of sexist violence, favoring the collaboration of associations and feminist agents, leaving the cost of informative material in the hands of the City Council.
In addition to this, they consider it important to launch an awareness-raising campaign to complement the preventive work on male assaults:
- Slogans against macho attacks on plastic cups used in music days.
- The establishment of posters and banners that recognize Final Rock as an area free of sexist, LGBTIQphobic or racist attacks.
3. They claim to allow feminist frameworks to respond to macho attacks within the event spaces in order to respond to macho, LGBTIQphobic or racist attacks. “We demand that the City Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz and the organization of events establish purple points where complaints are made and assistance is provided to women in need.”
They consider that the management of purple spots is something to be agreed with feminist agents, “guaranteeing a protocol of detection and coordination with the local police”.
To protect the manifesto, here.
This news has been published by the radio station Hala Bedi, and we have brought it to LUZ thanks to the license CC-By-SA.
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