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Euskaltzaleen Topagunea has agreed five lines of work to make the leap to the use of Euskera at the III Congress

  • Euskaltzaleen Topagunea, at its congress on 18 November, has set five axes for the next decade. Topagunea considers these axes as necessary conditions to make a leap in the use of the Basque country. The five functions of the association will be the capture of new diverse vascophiles, the relationship with social movements, the construction of an open and inclusive Basque identity, the promotion of initiatives of creation and socialization of speakers and the promotion of new socio-political-institutional agreements.

17 November 2023 - 12:54
Last updated: 2023-11-20 09:40:03
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

III. The report of the congress includes the dream of Topagunea, which brings together the associations of the Basque Country, of making the use of Euskera commonplace and being able to live in Euskera comfortably. On that path, he says that we must adapt to the challenges that the world of the twenty-first century has put on the ground. In order for the use of Euskera to advance, a series of challenges must be faced: globalization, general tendency towards citizen disactivation, discourses against Euskera, judicial aggression…

Considering that in recent years society and the Basque movement have changed radically, they have talked about the need to take a leap forward in their use. In Congress, five essential conditions have been defined to make this leap, which will be the axis of the Topagune's work in the next decade. The five working axes are:

- Empower citizens by creating a transformative, plural and solid Basque movement: Topagunea wants to make an effort to integrate the most diverse Euskaltzales and reorganize and reactivate the network. To do so, it will work in the recruitment of new people, always with the use in the center.

- Create strong networks of relationship with different agents and movements: Topagunea says that to make the leap in the use it is necessary to strengthen the favorable attitude to the Basque, strengthening the relations with other social agents. It seeks to create new complicities, seek the support of Castilian speakers and attract immigrants from other backgrounds to the Basque industry.

- To build an open and inclusive Basque identity that updates the imagination, discourse and behaviors around the Basque and Euskaldunity: Topagunea has proposed the revision of the Basque imaginary and the development of collective identities adapted to the current way. It believes that a renewed framework of coexistence should be offered to the Basque community of the future.

- Promote initiatives to create and socialize Basque speakers: It calls for a universal system of free Euskaldunization, affecting the transmission of Basque culture and the work to offer an effective system of Basque education. In addition, it will promote motivational strategies for Basque learning.

- Promote new socio-political-institutional agreements to make the leap in use: It will work on building bridges to reach new agreements. He stresses the even greater need for the agreements, recalling the planned aggression against the Basque people.



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