Colombian President Gustavo Petro has confirmed on Twitter that the Government and the dissidents of the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) have held its first meeting. Their goal is “total peace” and they have announced that it has been the first of many meetings.
The representatives met in the department of Caqueta in southern Colombia: Ivan Danilo Rueda, Special Delegate for Peace in Colombia, Calarcá Córdoba, Alfonso 45, Ermes Tovar and Érika Castro, FARC Dissidents Representative, and a monitor from Norway.
All parties have signed a document setting out the need for both parties to respect the ceasefire and to be supervised by neutral international representatives. The government of the left of Petro, in its recent inauguration, announced that its objective is to achieve “total peace”, for which they intend to reach a peace agreement with the National Liberation Army ELN and reach legal agreements with other dissidents. On the other hand, the dissidents of the FARC have made clear what for them is “total peace”: “Eradicating the causes that provoke the social and armed conflict”.
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