The EPPK confirms that, in addition to saying that the issue of Basque prisoners has not changed, especially in the Spanish State, it will continue to make "the necessary contributions". According to the press release Gara and Berria, “we are determined to achieve our goals”.
The group of prisoners is willing to make “big and small contributions”, because “all are necessary”. The EPPK is aware that you will find “difficulties” along the way.
The EPPK concluded and decided on the internal debate process in July 2017. The beginning of the ordinary penitentiary legislation made the prisoners “a step forward in their legal trajectory, in the face of eviction from the jails”. For example, the members of the group requested the progression of the degree and began the work and programs of the prison, leaving in the hands of each of the prisoners the possibility of breaking this path.
In any case, the EPPK considers that the movements of the Spanish and French governments have been the result of the "support" given to the rights of prisoners of Basque society. So, it has seen a better attitude towards the governments of Paris than towards the governments of the time of Madrid: “In France there have been some moves towards rapprochement, and the time will come to make more concrete assessments. In Spain, more unmoved and even involuntary stances are being imposed; the timid steps taken in prisons and around prisoners have not only not been sufficient, but have also not been agreed with us”.
The EPPK has insisted that the prison situation is "hard and hard" and is not condemned. There are still about 260 prisoners. Some elderly people. Many years in prison, many of them isolated. Twenty prisoners suffer from serious diseases: “Despite the fact that in recent years there has been a decrease in the number of members we form the collective, the anguish has increased,” the statement states.
“Bakea Euskal Herrian, orain presoak” lemapean, 11.000 lagun batu dira Parisen arratsalde honetan. Euskal Herriko xoko guztietarik hurbildu da jendea eta guztien artean bete dute 10.000 manifestari biltzeko helburua. Alderdi eta kargu ezberdinetako hautetsiak ere... [+]
Zer adierazi nahi dugu lerroburu horretan? Bada, beharrezko dutela aurrean duten euskaldunek funtsezko gaiei planto ez egitea. Hau da, Euskal Herria praktikan herrialde okupatu gisa onartzea, okupatzaileei aurre egin gabe.
Oso ausarta da EPPKren erabakia. Lehenbiziz bere bizitzan, badaki aurrerantzean bera izango dela bere buruaren guztiz jabe, ez duela ETArekin partekatu beharko ezer, molde batez edo bestez ETA desagertzera doalako eta presoek arduratu beharko dutelako beren etorkizunaz, beti ere... [+]
Alderdiek, kolektiboek edo espetxean nahiz “kanpoan” dauden militanteek hartutako jarrera politikoen aurrean dugun iritzia edozein dela ere, ideia, kokatze eta dinamika politikoei buruzko eztabaida, gure ustetan, gutxieneko irizpide batzuei loturik egon beharra dago.
Hori da astelehen honetan Deia egunkariak argitaratu duena eta, honen arabera, erakunde armatuak urte bukaerarako eman dezake desagerpenaren berri.
Bada denbora bat, Berria-n eta interneten argitaratutako nire gutuna dela eta, nirekin kontaktuan jarri zinetela gutun horren argitaratzearekin Erakundearen hiru diziplina arau apurtu nituela informatzeko:
1) Ezker Abertzale osoaren ildoaren kontrakotasuna maila publikoan... [+]