Oscar Pierre could be sentenced to six years in prison for various offences against the rights of workers. The trial for these events was held this Tuesday and on Monday announced that 15,000 riders will be hired by law. The CGT trade union has denounced that it has used it to "whiten its face" before the Prosecutor's Office of the National Court.
After years of an effort to comply with the law, the founder of the company Glovo, Oscar Pierre, has announced that he will hire 15,000 riders, leaving aside the model of false self-employed people he has used so far. One day before being tried for a crime against workers' rights, he announced regularisation, and on Tuesday he told the judge that the decision aims to "prevent social peace" and new "debates" with the Labour Inspectorate, although he has separated it from the ongoing criminal case.
The CGT trade union, which makes the particular accusation, has reported that Glovo has several inspections of the Labor Inspectorate for violation of the law; sanctions for espionage of workers' data and for breach of the data protection law; and a criminal trial for continuing to violate the law. In this sense, the union considers that it has used Pierre's regularization to "whiten his face" before the Public Prosecutor's Office.
The new contracts will have an impact of EUR 100 million on the company’s EBITDA, to which more than EUR 500 million must be added for fines, VAT and social security contributions.
Experts have recorded that the total fine ranges from EUR 440 million to EUR 770 million, but Glovo has submitted an appeal which, for the time being, will not pay. At the same time, the company Just Eat, which employs distributors as employees, requests EUR 295 million from Glovo for unfair competition.
The Public Prosecutor's Office accuses Pierre of "suppressing" the rights of the company's distributors. They could be sentenced to six years in jail if there is sufficient evidence that Glovo maintained the working model of false self-employed after being declared illegal by the Supreme Court in 2020.
The government approved in 2021 the so-called Rider Law to end the system of false self-employed, but Glovo rejected it and Lana filed a criminal complaint. Thus, Pier assured this Tuesday in the trial that after the Supreme ruling it was "legitimate" for the dealers to remain self-employed. The director’s defense explains that he then modified the rider’s working conditions by adapting them to the conditions imposed by the Supreme to keep dealers as self-employed.
Now many riders are afraid to run out of work. The system of false self-employed persons allowed, in fact, to exploit immigrants who were in an irregular situation. The CGT has pointed out that the 'riders' of Glovo will be able to claim to the State the contributions paid as false self-employed.
Ziclo-P kooperatibako kide Leire Rodriguez Metropoli Forala saioan izan dugu hiri garraiobide jasangarriaz, solasean. Bizikleta erabiltzen dute haien banaketa lana egiteko.