On Wednesday, the transforming economy network Beterri Saretuz organized an unusual theoretical-practical training session in Hernani, Iturola Elkarlan Sorgunea, on listening methodology.
Cooperatives, agents and entrepreneurs "are accustomed to setting objectives and launching initiatives", the organizers explain. It acts, acts and acts. This is the starting point and objective of many projects. "But do we know what the concerns and needs of others are? And if we identify them, would we do things the same way? ".
The listening methodology proposes that organizations and companies take time before starting their projects, first to hear calmly the opinion of all the actors that are part of the project.
The session of Hernani will be directed by Olatz Irizar of the Emun cooperative, who will explain, among other aspects, how to process data and information extracted from listening processes.
This training is aimed at companies and agents in the region of Beterri-Buruntza, the first of the three sessions organized by Beterri Saretuzek between February and March, supported by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa. Beterri Saretuz is a programme created to promote a regional business ecosystem based on the values and participation of the transforming economy.
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