Sidenor Azkoitia has been awarded the latest New Entrepreneurial Culture Award by Adegi, according to Gipuzkoan entrepreneurs, for developing values such as respect, trust, collaboration, ethical and transparent human relations, shared management... In spite of the truth, they have said that the Adegi mill remains firm in the waters of Sidenor Azkoitia: in the last decade, the management of the steel factory has carried out a process against the unity of the workers. Surely it would have been wrong in the brilliant award ceremony to get the dirty rags out of industrial relations, but it cannot be said that the small secrets that the management of the Azkoitia factory has secretly hidden are clear. One of them is that at the plant awarded with the New Culture of Enterprise, the union that has not surrendered with the most damaging springs of old capitalism has been punished: ELA.
It is not understood what happened in Sidenor Azkoitia without going into details, which will be immediately communicated. In summary, however, it can be said that these lines are the chronicle of a provisional defeat of the union confrontation.
Transparency has therefore been for the trade unions that have carried out the work of the transmission chain of the management, CCOO, UGT and use. Shared management also for them, those who have justified the sharp cuts; ethical relations have not been seen by those who have tried to materialise real negotiation. Trust could also be reflected in parallel negotiations in low-light rooms, among the slave trade unions that have repeatedly allowed leadership and cuts.
It is not understood what happened in Sidenor Azkoitia without going into details, which will be immediately communicated. In summary, however, it can be said that these lines are the chronicle of a provisional defeat of the union confrontation, but also of the coherence of the union representatives of the ELA, and of the victory of that coherence in recent days, after the end of the year elections, ELA is once again the first union in Azkoitia, after the end of the year elections.
Read full "Documents 43: New Company Culture, Old Trojan Horse",
This news was published by the Manu Robles-Arangiz Institute and was made possible by the CC-by-sa license.
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