Andoni Egaña, Maialen Lujanbio, Aitor Bizkarra and Oihana Iguaran will interpret the issue of energy from multiple perspectives, on 22 October at 12:00 in the Church of San Millán of Zizurkil Goiko. Then there will be a popular meal in the zimiterio. All popular food products will be local and ecological.
Agent Montes Libres de Gipuzkoa explains the reason for this day: "A year ago we met in Elosu to claim that we want to protect the mountains and that we do not want wind power plants on the mountains. Under the slogan "Renewable Energy Yes, We Do Not Destroy the Mountains" we were the following groups: Oleta also (Azkoitia), Sañu bizirik (Azpeitia), Sainu Bizirik (Zestoa), Karakate Bizirik (Elgoibar, Soraluze, Bergara), Urretxu-Zumarraga Bizi! (Urretxu-Zumarraga), Andatza-Ezkeltzu Bizirik (Zizurkil) and Andatza-Ezkeltzu Bizirik (Ursurbil). And together we started the road, under the name of Free Mountains of Gipuzkoa. After a year we will meet in Zizurkil with the aim of uniting celebration and claim. We are going to celebrate that this year we have created and consolidated the protection network of the Gipuzkoa Mountains and we will claim that we want the mountains to be free, not industrialized, so that they continue to have the future of our young people and children."
The Gipuzkoa Mountains have opened an opinion article explaining the joys and impediments of Aske for a year: From Elosu to Zizurkil, Free Mountains of Gipuzkoa.
The entrance to the bertsos session has a price of EUR 10 and in the case of children "will". The entrance to popular food has a price of 15 euros and in the case of children "will".
Food tickets must be purchased before October 15. Bertso tickets can also be purchased at the time.
Tickets, both for bertsolarism and for food, can be purchased at: Antzuola (Aitz Garbi), Azkoitia (Etxe-Aitz and Atraskua), Azpeitia (Urtzi), Lazkao (Biziola), Elgoibar (Jai Alai and Lanbroa), Itziar (Burugorri), Soraluze (Piarrano and Piestol)
You can also request tickets by email to
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