On 25 April in the Bizkaia Aretoa in Bilbao, from 18:00 in the afternoon, there will be five rapporteurs: Julen Rekondo (Environmental Consultant – National Environmental Prize), Joserra Becerra (Berd-Equo), Mirene Begiristain (UPV/EHU aneve), Iñigo. Journalist Ane Zabala will act as moderator.
The organization reports that the entry will be free, that there will be no prior registration and that there will be a translation service.
Round table "Renewable energy in the Basque Country: conflict or solution?" jointly organised by Ekopole and EHUgune It will be the third of the cycle that will close the cycle. Round tables have previously been held in Donostia and Vitoria-Gasteiz, with the participation of Aitor Aldasoro (PNV), Alvaro Campos (UPV/EHU), Alazne Arruti (Goiener), Gotzone Zestorain (Etxalde), Hodei Andiak (Eyeberza du Baskiza).
Here you can see Gasteiz’s round table: