Calvo and Valdés, both with delusions and under the psychotic manifestation at the time of death. Valdés, according to his neighbors, was scared because he saw the people he wanted to throw. Calvo, according to the ertzaina (not forgetting that his statements were full of lies, errors and contradictions), believed that someone was following, speaking without coherence or showing strange behavior. However, both in Astigarraga and at the Arkaute police station, both in 1993 and in 2024, the Ertzainas valued that the problem of a citizen with obvious and fearful mental health problems belongs only to the police and not to health professionals from the point of view of police security. In Astigarraga, the Ertzainas expelled the local police and the resident nurse who until then knew how to keep Valdés quiet, and were not waiting for the current ambulance health professionals. In Arkaute, Calvo was imprisoned in the cell and did not request a medical examination.
Both in 1993 and in 2024, the Ertzaines considered that the problem of a citizen with obvious and feared mental health problems lies solely with the police and the police.
Calvo and Valdés, both “attended” by the Ertzaintza without witnesses. Calvo, isolated in the cell (not even a doctor from the police station was asked to conduct a basic psychological study). The Ertzainas have had on the landing of Valdes, out of the sight of the police and neighbours, and have not let the couple see who came later.
Calvo and Valdés both were physically well before being treated by the Ertzaintza, and the bodies of both had obvious signs of violence at death. Calvo had wounds, bruises and dozens of drunks all over his body, tear gas through his mouth, or the testicles were totally swollen. The body of Valdés is also seen in the photos loaded with bruises and blows, with the nose and three broken ribs. According to the experts consulted by Berria, brands also appear that may belong to the Taser pistols. However, according to the Ertzainas, the only thing the police did with both Calvo and Valdés was to immobilize them by joining hands and legs.
Both died under the Ertzaintza watch, but both will try to hide or deform it
Calvo and Valdés, two deaths under the supervision of the Ertzaintza, try to hide or misrepresent him. From Arkaute they asked for an ambulance to be taken to Calvo to the emergency room to try a supposed regeneration. ARGIA managed to talk that day to the doctor who was working at the police station after 30 years, did not want to make any statement explaining that he still had “trauma,” but only said that when the ambulance arrived Calvo was dead. According to the Ertzaintza, Valdés has also died by ambulance, but his neighbor and nurse has heard the ambulance workers before leaving the portal that he had no pulse, and the autopsy report says Astigarraga has been killed.
Calvo and Valdes, the Department of Security has acted without transparency in the face of the deaths of both. The version to explain Calvo's death was changing as the media exposed the lies of the earlier ones. The death and internal investigation of Valdés has also not been reported by Erkoreka, although the Department of Security publishes several less important press releases daily.
Calvo and Valdés, apparently, in both cases there will be a judgment to resolve the deaths. In the case of Calvo, none of the convicted policemen stepped into jail or lost jobs (technically it would be possible that some of the Ertzainas who participated in the Astigarraga operation last February had been convicted of the death of Calvo). The relatives of Valdés file a complaint with the court. In the event of the trial, and in view of the background, it would be surprising if the same thing did not happen as in the case of Calvo.
After 30 years almost everything has changed a lot, but not the Ertzaintza.
Calvo and Valdés, many coincidences, but also great differences. Calvo was charged with several crimes, the police said he tried to escape violently and was in detention; Valdés himself asked for the help of the police, nobody has charged him with crime, there was no pinch, and upon arrival the Ertzainas was quiet. The Ertzaintza was part of a bloody social conflict in the streets of Euskal Herria during the death of Calvo; at the death of Valdés 13 years ago that the armed struggle of ETA disappeared, since then the only organized structural violence is from very diverse police forces. However, Calvo and Valdés, the Ertzaintza has acted similarly to both. After 30 years almost everything has changed a lot, but not the Ertzaintza.
Juan Calvo and Eneko Valdés, both guarded by the Ertzaintza.
Juan Calvo and Eneko Valdés, both killed.
Rosa Zarra Ertzaintzaren pilotakada baten ondorioz hil zela da Eusko Jaurlaritzako Poliziaren Biktimen Balorazio Batzordeak atera duen ondorioa, Berria-k jakinarazi duenez. Orain arte, Ertzaintzak beti egin dio uko bertsio horri, eta Rosa Zarra berak zuen gaixotasunaren ondorioz... [+]
Ustez, lokalaren jabetza eskuratu dutenek bidali dituzte sarrailagileak sarraila aldatzera; Ertzaintzak babestuta aritu dira hori egiten. Birundak epaiketa bat irabazi du duela gutxi.
Ertzaintzak martxoaren 13an Bilbon zauritutako bi pertsonaren testigantza jaso ditugu. Athleticen partidaren ostean larriki zauritu zituzten aita-semeak, borra-kolpeka, eta atxilo eraman zuten haietako bat. Furgonetatik ikusi zuen ertzainek nola egin zuten tiro jendearen kontra,... [+]
ERNE, ESAN eta SIPErekin egin du akordioa Eusko Jaurlaritzak 2025-2028 aldirako. Besteak beste, urteko soldatan 4.200 euro gordineko igoera "graduala" izango du ertzain bakoitzak. Sindikatuen iturriek El Diario Vascori azaldu diotenez, akordioarekin Ertzaintza Espainiako... [+]
49 urte eta gero Espainiako Poliziak Gasteizko Maria Sortzez Garbiaren katedralean eraildako bost langileak oroitu dituzte beste behin astelehen arratsaldean. Milaka pertsona batu dira Zaramagatik abiatutako eta katedralean amaitutako manifestazioan. Manifestari guztiek ez dute... [+]
31 urteko emakume kolonbiarra osasun zentrora eraman ordez ertzain etxera eramatean agenteek "akatsa" egin zutela aitortu du Segurtasun sailburuak, baina azpimarratu du ez zuela "jipoirik" jaso.
Karen Daniela Ágredok dioenez, zortzi bat ordu eman zituen ziegako zoruan etzanda Ertzaintzak ospitalera eraman aurretik. Segurtasun sailburu Bingen Zupiriak berak eskatu du Eusko Legebiltzarrean agerraldia egitea.
Karen Daniela Ágredok dioenez, atxilotu zutenean berak ez zuen ertzainik zauritu, haiek lurrera bota zuten eta konortea galdu zuen. Ondoren, Ertzaintzaren komisariaren zoruan iratzartu zen eta handik ospitalera eraman zuten.