Eneko Larrarte was Mayor of Tudela during the 2015-2019 legislature, presented by Ezker Batua. But in the 2019 elections, Alejando Toquero, from Navarra Suma, won the absolute majority and won the mayor's office.
Larrarte then went to the Housing Department, led by the counselor Jose Mari Aierdi, to take the position of director he has left now. This brought him discrepancies with his party and was expelled from Ezker Batua because the party did not agree to enter the government.
Now, on the contrary, Larrarte will be presented in the framework of the Gauzatu-Navarra coalition, created last July by Ahal Duguk, Ezker Batua and Batzarrak. They have not yet mentioned their name, but the Circle of Power and the Town Hall of Pamplona the Assembly will be a candidate for the Parliament of Navarra.
In recent days, Enrique Maya has awarded the underground parking of the Plaza de la Cruz de Pamplona, whose works will begin in summer. Also the demolition work, among other things, by the felling of beautiful trees that give air to the plaza. When your shadow and absorption of... [+]
A week after the municipal elections, we seem to be willing to analyse the results that have left these new elections, which will mark the institutional policy of the municipalities over the next four years. The most worrying aspect of all possible studies is undoubtedly the... [+]
Spanish citizens have been invited in recent days to the elections, to the members of boards, parliaments or municipalities, to the renewal of these institutions, and now all of them, in the analyses, in the calculations, are in the hands of who the power will fall, with whom it... [+]
The PSN multilingual electoral cartel has ignited fire and pain. "It takes laughter in Navarre to ask for a vote in eight languages in 2023, excluding Basque. Vultures. Lettuce. Not even to fake."
These purrusts have been read these days in Euskal Txio Herria, at the expense of... [+]