Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

'Eneko Goia listens!' Piztu Donostia campaign kicks off

  • Sixteen social, trade union and political players from Donostia will listen to us! They've joined the campaign. That is why they have concentrated this Friday morning in front of the City Hall to make this fact known. A request to take the floor will be registered in the City Hall in the coming days. “We think that in two or three months’ time Eneko Goia will listen to us in plenary. Meanwhile, we will organize in Donostia the open municipal initiative, the parody of the plenary, the photographic exhibition of social struggles and other mobilizations,” they explained.

30 November 2020 - 08:33
Piztu Donostia plataformak protesta egin du udaletxe aurrean. (Argazkia: Piztu Donostia)

The municipal government approved last month the modification of the regulations of the Municipal Corporation of Ermua. They denounce that this change has left agents “voiceless” while the November municipal plenary was held: “They want to turn the City Hall into a closed town. They limit the number of motions that can be presented in Local Corporations. The political forces will not be able to present the number of motions for control that the citizens and the social partners want. It is not enough, and they also intend to delineate the issues that can be presented in the Local Corporations”.

They have stressed that they want to remove from the Corporation issues about “the services they have privatized or outsourced” from the City Hall: “Donostia Kultura, Donostia Kirola, Dbus, Etxegintza, Fomento de San Sebastián, San Sebastián Turismo… they want to take all these issues out of the municipal corporation and turn them into topics of the boards of these entities that do not have a public, frustrating the participation of citizens in all these issues”.

Actors who have expressed support are as follows: Anti-Incineration Movement, Satorralaia, ELEA-Libre, Anti-militarist Peace Action, BiziLagunEkin, Belartza 2 Gelditu, Ongi Etorri Errefuxiatuak, Antikapitalistak, Infernua bizirik, Askapena, Ernai, Gazte Komunistak

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Ourselves, in our own way
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A macho attack is reported in Amurrio
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Eguneraketa berriak daude