Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Eneko Goia will testify in the "Bidegi case"

  • The acting mayor of Donostia-San Sebastian, Eneko Goia, and the former infrastructure deputy of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa will testify as witnesses in Azpeitia. In the Trial Court for the “Bidegi case”. Along with Goia, the court has also cited Luis Mari Apraiz and Felix María Urkola, who had responsibilities in building AP-1.

12 June 2019 - 14:28
Eneko Goia, 2014ko ekitaldi batean (argazkia: EAJ).

Over EUR 30 million of public funds have been paid for the works allegedly to be executed in the construction of the AP-1. The investigating court has called on Eneko Goia, Luis Mari Apraiz and Felix María Urkola to testify in response to a number of requests from the popular indictment. The judge will ask you about the expenses you incurred in the Arlaban-Eskoriatza section.

The investigation of this judicial process, promoted by EH Bildu, is being long and can still be extended further, until 2022. During the legislature in which the Council of Gipuzkoa was in the hands of Bildu, irregularities appeared in the works of the AP-1 and the Executive presided over by Martín Garitano demanded the matter.

Along with Goia, Apraiz and Urkola have also called on Elena Varillas to declare: a report prepared by the latter reflected the differences between the valuation and the liquidation of the work.

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Eneko Goia will declare 13 September for the "Bidegi case"
The Provincial Court of Gipuzkoa has quoted the mayor of Donostia-San Sebastián and a former infrastructure deputy of Gipuzkoa Eneko Goia at 9:30 a.m. in the Azpeitia Court. On the same day, those responsible for the construction of AP-1, Luis Mari Apraiz and Felix Urkola, as... [+]

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Igor Meltxor, Ahoztar Zelaieta eta Aimar Uribesalgoren hitzaldiak Azkoitian

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Bidegi auzian fiskala ez da agertu epaitegira

AP1eko autobidearen obretan egondako ustezko irregulartasunengatik epaile aurrean deklaratu dute beste behin inputatuek. Fiskaltzak ez agertzea erabaki du.

2015-06-02 | ARGIA
Bidegi auziarengatik bigarren kereila aurkeztu du jarduneko Gipuzkoako Aldundiak

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Arabako Aldundiak baieztatu du Bidegik enpresei ordaindutako 10 milioi euro lehendik ere ordainduta zituela

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#Olanotarrak mahai-ingurua
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Eguneraketa berriak daude