The Eurofund organisation has just published a report showing the precarious situation of young people. It stresses, above all, that the number of citizens who cannot be emancipated continues to grow in the European Union. Specifically, among young people aged 25-34, the percentage of young people living in the family home has risen from 24% to 27% in five years, from 2017 to 2022.
- Young people in a post-pandemic world (Mature: The young man in a post-pandemic world has summarized the results of the report in an article and has revealed "worrying" data.
The differences are significant according to the country, but in all of them it has increased. Thus, in the case of the Spanish State, in the period 2017-2022, the percentage of young people under 35 who live in the family home has increased from 35% to 42%. In the French State it has risen from 10% to 12%. In other words, in both States the percentage of young people living in their parents ' house has increased by 20 per cent over five years.
Asking young people about their intentions, half answer that they would like to emancipate themselves within a year, but only 28% actively seek a house.
The report relates this situation to the increase in housing and rent prices. According to Eurostat data, between 2010 and 2022 homes have increased by an average of 47%. "Housing is one of the main obstacles to the non-dependence of young people," the report concludes.
They recall that with the pandemics the mental health of young people deteriorated considerably, and despite the fact that the current situation is different, it still affects people aged 16 to 29, among other things because they are unable to make plans for the future.
Data show that labour relations among young people remain "precarious and unfair". In other words, work is not well paid or unattractive has also devoted the issue to publishing and highlighted that, although housing prices have been placed on the market, the report focuses on labor relations and working conditions. Thus, in recent years young people have one of the highest employment rates and a "safer and more balanced" working life, according to the study. But at the same time they are not satisfied with the work and almost half would like to change jobs or go abroad to try another vital project.
These data show that labour relations among young people remain "precarious and unfair". This means that work is not well paid or that it is not enough "attractive" and, above all, that young people are not satisfied with European life: "It affirms the failure of current neoliberal policies."
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