According to the study, despite the advances of the last decades, the difficulties to achieve real equality remain a daily reality. Proof of this are the results obtained after collecting the opinions of the young people of Gipuzkoa, Álava and Bizkaia
The space in which the most sexist discrimination occurs is the street, in the public space. In this context, the situation of sexist discrimination has increased by 18.5% in the last two years among young women. The percentage is lower for young men, who are down 2.6%.
Besides on the street, situations of discrimination based on gender are also common on social networks. Concern for them has increased considerably in recent years, including among young women. In 2019, 20.7% said they felt discriminated against by gender in this area, while in 2021 the percentage rose to 28.8%.
In the virtual environment, pornography and videos are identified as spaces that promote discrimination. As explained in the study, digital platforms perpetuate cases of sexist machismo and discrimination, as they generate sexist roles and stereotypes. With age, young people are more aware of discrimination against women in pornography and their role in promoting sexual violence and the culture of rape. However, there are significant differences in the perception of pornographic violence based on sex. Women affirm more strongly than men that such content promotes sexual violence. Thus, more than half believe that in porn women are discriminated, while 32.4% of young men consider it.
It is common for young people to experience situations that generate sexism or gender discrimination in their daily lives, but their identification is often difficult. As indicated in the study, stocks are often relativized or minimized. Because they are often cultural references that have internalized in the socialization process.
However, most young people and the population living in the CAV consider that male violence against women is unacceptable. 83% of the population considers that this type of violence should be punished legally in all cases.
Eta zuk, txikitxo, honetan [kirol zehatz batean] jokatzen duzu?”. Horixe galdetu zion irakasleak nazioarteko emakume jokalari bati, gizonez betetako entrenatzaileen formakuntza-saioan. Esaldiaren paternalismoaz mintza ninteke, edo maila hartako kirolari hori bere esparruan... [+]
Almost thirteen years ago, he published in this same magazine a column entitled "Sympathetic potatoes." And in a way, it may be his continuation that he has begun to write now: Sympathetic children. On this occasion, as stated in the previous title, you talk about the role of your... [+]