5. The Women's World March of the Basque Country will hold its closing ceremony on March 6. The demonstration against borders and transnational corporations will begin in the Plaza del Pueblo de Hendaia at 11.00 and is expected to reach the Puente de Santiago between Irun and Hendaia at 11.30 a.m. From there, they will continue the journey through Irun, to end at the Puente de la Avenida, towards 13.30 hours.
They shall comply with the safety measures, keeping the distance of 2 metres and using the mask. The attendees have been asked to fill out this form "in order to control capacity and logistical issues". The registration period shall be open until 4 March: "Once the deadline has elapsed, and unless the organization indicates otherwise, we ask you to respect this agreed closing decision."
Imajinatu sistema kapitalista heteropatriarkalean bizitzeak eragiten duen zamarekin, eta arnasa hartzeko premia larriz, oheratzen zarela ostiralean. Larunbata izan arren inguratzen zaituen egitura zapaltzailea bihar ere hortxe egongo dela jakin badakizu, baina asteburuaren... [+]
Aste osoan Bilbo jasotzen ari den Emakumeen Mundu Martxaren XI. Nazioarteko Topaketaren ekitaldi nagusia izanik, guztion indarrak batu eta askotariko alternatiba feminista erakustea izango du helburu ekimenak.
Euskal Herriko Emakumeon Mundu Martxak prentsaurrekoa eman du asteartean Bilboko La Bolsan. Emakumeon Mundu Martxaren XI. Nazioarteko Topaketaren eta beronen baitan egingo den Feministon Herria egunaren xehetasun guztiak azaldu dituzte.