The number of women with periodic employment contracts is increasing, that is, 65.13% of these contracts have been suspended in Hego Euskal Herria since May. LAB stresses that these employment contracts are increasing since the entry into force of the Spanish State's labour reform and that they currently predominate among women.
In addition to the fact that the majority of the unemployed are women (59%), the trade union wanted to highlight the "precariousness" women must suffer in employment contracts. "What has happened in recent months, coinciding with the summer, is a clear indicator of the precariousness of the working conditions of women." Among men, 29.23% of regular contracts have been suspended in the same period.
Unemployment increased in August
In August, unemployment increased in Hego Euskal Herria, the second consecutive month. According to data from Lanbide and Lanbide, in August there were 2,496 more unemployed than in July. The increase was mainly in Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa (1,005 and 920 respectively). In Álava, 558 more unemployed persons and thirteen in Navarra were registered. Thus, unemployment accounts for 10% of the population (12.4% in women and 7.9% in men).
Langabezia nehoiz baino apalago da Iparraldean, baina inflazioa beti traba izaten segitzen du ekonomian. 2023ko lehen sei hilabetetako tendentzien berri eman du Baionako Merkataritza eta Industria Ganberak. 210 enpresabururen sentipena bildu dute inkesta batean. Heren batek... [+]
In the year we have left behind, there were 150,000 unemployed in the peninsular Basque Country, of whom almost 80,000 were not receiving economic benefits. At the same time, 76% of CAPV companies point out that they have a great difficulty finding workers they need. It's one of... [+]
Some of the data used to analyse employment trends over the summer have been published. Data always showing photographs that are carried out according to the classifications established by the Capital. And they've taught us their regular photo. So, the old ones. However, and if... [+]
In November there were records of occupation in the Spanish State: There are 61,768 Social Security workers, the highest figure in the historical series, and unemployment drops to pre-pandemic figures (3,182,687 people). Almost 2 years after the first Decree-Law on Extraordinary... [+]