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Women start a hunger strike in Iran's prisons on the second anniversary of Amini's murder

  • The Nobel Peace Prize Narges Mohammadi and 33 other political prisoners have begun a hunger strike on 15 September. Today, 16 September, two years ago, Mahsa Amini, a Kurdish woman, died of a brutal beating by the Iranian police. He was arrested for wearing the scarf badly.
2022ko protestak Londresen, Irango emakumeen aurkako errepresioa salatzeko. Argazkia: Alisdare Hickson.

16 September 2024 - 10:53

The news has been published on the website of the agency EFE berri, dedicated to news related to feminism. Mohammadi, Nobel Peace Prize winner, announced on Instagram his hunger strike: “Once again, the political and ideological prisoners in Evín prison have begun a hunger strike in solidarity with the Iranian people, which protests against the repressive policies of the government.”

Mohammadi, a prisoner, has announced that, in addition to starting a hunger strike, they have carried out an initiative in prison: About twenty women prisoners protested and screamed "Woman, Life, Freedom." They rejected the women's use of hijab and burned scarves in the prison yard. The Women, Life, Freedom movement emerged after the death of Mahsa Amini. The Moral Police arrested him because he had a bad handkerchief and at the time of his arrest he died of the beating he had received. There have been protests and harsh repression for several months. 500 people died, 22,000 were arrested and ten Iranians were executed.

On the web they have interviewed Nilufar Saberi, an activist and human rights defender, who has participated in the program. He has lived in Spain since the 1980s. As he said, the Women, Life, Freedom movement will move forward, “because although there has been and there is savage repression against peaceful protests, not a step backwards has been taken. Civil disobedience is still alive. Taking a woman without scarves or on short sleeves to the streets of Iran is a way of saying “enough!”

Sabik added that supporting the Women, Life, Freedom revolution means fighting the roots of the problem, both in Iran and in Afghanistan. It has also taken into account women from countries that do not appear in the news but are experiencing situations similar to those of today.

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