Taliban bans women from Afghanistan from working in NGOs. Arguing that they do not respect the standards of clothing in the workplace, they announce penalties for non-compliant NGOs. The ban will affect some 180 local and international human care organizations in the country.
In view of this, a number of human care organizations have announced the suspension of their activities in Afghanistan, including Save The Children, CARE and NRC, the Norwegian Refugee Council, in a joint note, announcing their decision to halt care work: “Because without the participation of women, the millions of citizens who now serve cannot be reached.” They add that, in addition to preventing the Afghans from “essential” health and human care, thousands of tailor-made jobs will be lost in a country experiencing a “profound economic crisis”.
The Ministry of Economy issued the ban on Saturday by means of a letter. Last Tuesday, 20 December, the Taliban banned women from university studies. The measure was widely reproached by international institutions and women protested in Afghanistan. The police reacted strongly.
Gudarako droneen teknologian milioika dolarreko inbertsioak egin ostean, “historiako aire kanpaina zehatzena” iragarri zuen Barack Obama, AEBetako presidenteak. 2014tik gaur arte Pentagonoak bildutako dokumentuak aztertuta, ordea, “aire guda hau inteligentzia... [+]
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