I wet the alpargata, but the smile on the face and the dance group Zerutxu ended proudly in Arretxinaga. On the occasion of the Feast of St. Michael, the festivities of Arretxinaga in Markina-Xemein exhibited a ezains-dantza and an aurresku without distinction of gender.
Zerutxu's ezek dantzaris came out of the sky with rain threats. They danced under the shelter of the tent mounted for the parties. The rains came down, but the dancers were covered, they did, they wet the earth and washed to dance. Although it was not in the best conditions, between the mood and applause of the citizens, the dantzaris acted elegantly.
After years of process, in the end, all the members of the group have had the opportunity to practice ezains-dantza and aurresku in the plaza, both boys and girls. Steps have been taken gradually in the group: In the carnivals of 2022, boys and girls published the zahagi-dantza and in July, in the Carmen, the aurresku turn came. Due to the pandemic, the festivities of San Miguel de Arretxinaga have not been held in the last two years. This year’s one has been special: after two years, ezek and dantzaris have returned and, in addition, a group without gender distinction.
At noon, they were still missing half the day of San Miguel, while the table and the second aurresku were dancing at dusk.
Dancers, starting from the left, up: Iñaki Azpiazu, Alex Larrinaga, Eritz Larrinaga, Irati Valencia, Mirari Espilla, Ziara Larrinaga, Malen Perez, Oihane Urbieta, Leire Pagaegi, Ainhoa Basterretxea, Oier Onaindia. Marking: Andoni Elu, Alaine Urrutia, Aaron Arriola, Iraide Antxia, Iñaki Kareaga, Absent in photo: Igor Ibarzabal, Aitor Urriolabeitia. Txistularis: Gorka Lauzirika, Koldo San Sebastian, Javi Zabala. Right: Felipe Amutxastegi and Pili Garitaonaindia.
More photos of St. Michael's Day Blackberry dantzan.eus in
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