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A trans woman denounces abuse at Donostia Hospital

  • Complaint of ill-treatment by Osakidetza and Ertzaintza staff.

26 September 2023 - 08:30
Argazkia: Inaxio Esnaola / Irutxulo
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

A trans woman denounces the ill-treatment suffered last week at Donostia Hospital through social media. In a video released by Tiktok, the user @iosunina1 has said that “the Ertzaintza, among the laughs of Osakidetza, immobilized him” to leave him “shot” at the door of the hospital emergency service. “I neither desire nor wish my greatest enemy. I felt that they had totally violated my human rights and, of course, denied me the help,” he added. Itaia de Donostia has also denounced what happened.

He explains that at dawn he was discharged and asked to go home by ambulance: “Because I live only in Euskal Herria, because I don’t have friends or family who could come to me, nor economic resources to move by taxi.” However, “in the face of the passivity of the doctor and the reception staff, he entered into an anxiety crisis”, and from there he states that the workers “ignored” and suffered “the mockery of some health workers and ertzaines”.

Thus, he explains that at one point he had “broken his voice”, so he had left him “more masculine” and that, in turn, he was “vibrating and hyperventilating in a corner”: “At that moment an ertzaina approached me and screaming “well, boy, the show is over” immobilized me. And, with the help of two other ertzaines, I was forcefully pulled out of there, regardless of the fact that I had a twist that could be a bone fracture.” He regrets that they left him “pulled by the road” and that in addition one of the Ertzainas “held his wrist”, “trying to remove his cell phone”: “They thought I recorded his mistreatment, but I was making a video call with my mother and my mother witnessed everything that happened.”

He says the Ertzaines ordered him to leave there, “under the threat” of what they would otherwise identify and take him to the police station. “Faced with this, offended, he decided to get up and leave” and tried to take a taxi that he would take home, but he says it was “useless”: “Some apparently saw the situation and spread the warning among them. There was no taxi driver who wanted to take me to the hospital, because it looked disastrous and they thought I had no money to pay for the trip.” “I pulled out the 40 euros I had to spend the month and told them that if necessary I would pay it before the trip started, but they said it looked like I was crazy,” he adds.

In the end, “totally desperate and flirtatious,” he says that he decided to leave there, and that he was around Polyclinic, he called the taxi phone. Thus, he stresses that the taxi driver who then appeared tried well: “He listened to me and tried to understand what happened to me. He had a lot of empathy with Nir and he left me well at home, he waited for me to enter the portal and he charged me half the trip, saying it was the least I could have done. And he encouraged me to report what happened.”

Thus, he reported through video what happened: “As a public complaint, as it happened to me at the time, because I still don’t know who to turn to.” “Institutions are to take care of us and protect us, while I was treated as a human residue. I was refused help and in a few hours I was left without protection, more than six kilometers away from home,” he adds. He has also denounced that “to prevent the trans community and that of people with neurodiversity”, “so that they are not victims of such situations”: “Let them be clear that if they manifest themselves as helpless and vulnerable, they will probably not receive institutional support, or at least the Donostia Hospital will not support them. On the contrary, they will suffer powerlessness and violence.”

You can watch the full video in the following txokos (the user who opened on Twitter is not the one that appears in the video):


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