25 artists, 14 artistic and diverse projects in the public. Regarding the data, the Creative Women to the Plaza meetings will offer during the four weekends of October. Because it wants to be a showcase for the broad range of creative women. "Women artists are many and work day by day to reach more and more spaces. Very prepared, by leaving humor, sadness, reflection or mind, willing to enrich everyone's life with art and many arts."
The second edition will serve to publicize music, theatre, poems, conferences, cartoons or others, and to hold direct conversations with artists.
This Sunday starts programming at the Oreja Prest! with creation. Erika Olaizola, Iraia Elias and Amancay Odrizola from Collective Kamikas will also be present.
On the second weekend of October, Friday, Askoa Etxebarrieta and Sonia Estévez will offer the flamenco conference Petxo, pito, palma, in which they will learn about the African origin of flamenco. On Saturday there will be Oracle Motel Theatre, represented by Hanguznah Whelan, Eguzki Donnella and Marina Suárez of the Mamiak collective. Jone Bengoa tells us the reality of the immigrant women who arrived in Vitoria in the 1960s with the Kabia theater. On Sunday you will enjoy the cartoons of Sonia Estévez and the work Puppets and tears. Maria Oses and Eider Beobide offer us the opportunity to speak of love through the Insumisounding poetry theatre.
The third weekend, Sunday, on the occasion of the bridge, and invited by the grandmother of the area, will be the theater documentary about the Altzeimer Memoria by Itziar Manero.
On the last weekend of October, Friday, Ainhoa Alberdi and Jurdana Otxoa Zapata will work on the topic of war in their work and Maider Lasa will perform contemporary Euskaldun-infantile songs in Loa-loa. On Saturday, Miren Marbaiza Mice and Itziar Garaluce will offer the video of Meteo concerts, which will explain the climate issue. And then the collective Mejillón Tigre, Ane Zubeldia and Eider Adeletxe will offer the Spanish poetry concert with a desire to laugh and cry on issues such as housing, sexual violence, corpulence, idols, etc.
Finally, on October 29, the Tripak group, with the collaboration of Maria Suarez, Natalia Suarez, Maite Mugerza, Andrea Berbois and Garazi Naves, will stage Sunday Platea. Life, death, fear, reflection and laughter put an end to encounters.
As a first activity, along with the Basque Country Playwright Association, they have recently organized feminist meetings.
The fifteen years of the Sorcerer of Garaio will be remembered throughout the meetings and have extended the invitation to all to celebrate, in addition to the meetings, the fifteen years in group.
Children have, and some adults have not lost the tendency to creation. Perhaps all of us who tend to immerse ourselves in creation will not do nice jobs, but I think the experience is similar: when you are there you can put aside many things to have a good life in this world:... [+]
Emakume sortzaileak biltzen dituen Dinagu kolektiboak azoka antolatu du martxoaren 12an, Aiaraldeko Faktorian (Laudio). Emakume sortzaileen lana bisibilizatzea eta sortzaileen beharretara egokitzen diren ekimenak sortzea helburu, “herriz herri sortzaileak batuko dituen... [+]
“Barraka” abentura bideo-joko umoretsua garatzeko urtebete izango du Ibai Aizpurua diseinatzaile eta programatzaile irundarrak. Horretarako 15.000 euroko laguntza irabazi du Durangoko Azokaren laugarren sormen bekan.
Dinagu Emakume Sortzaileen Kolektiboa Donostiako Egia auzoan, Teila Fabrikan, izango da abenduaren 18an eta 19an. Kolektiboa emakume sortzaileen lanei ikusgaitasuna emateko sortu zen duela hiru urte.