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With the help of a group of comic book women, the second edition of 'Tupust!' book

  • In 2019, they published their first book, and on this occasion they did the second one. Applications can be made.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

16 August 2021 - 08:14
Last updated: 12:47
Ainara Azpiazu 'Axpi', liburuko egileetako bat.

Ainara Azpiazu Axpi, Hernaniarra de Tupust! He just published the second part of his book, along with other comic book women. The first book was published in 2019, and on this occasion it has been published in a second edition or in part. The organizers have opted for self-publishing and have put themselves on sale for a price of EUR 18. Axpi explained that the deadline for submitting applications will be open until 30 September: “The book shipments will be made in early October and in the first weeks of October they will accompany you,” said Axpi.

They've just taken the comic book out of the oven and they're full of illusion for people to read it and find out. “The copy is ordained, and the only thing we lack now is for readers to receive it, because we are looking forward to hearing the opinions!” In addition, it has been anticipated that, for the first 200 people who buy the book, a postcard from Axpi comes as a gift.



New guests, in the second book

“It’s been two years since we published the first issue and we’ve been cooking the book slowly in this time,” says Axpi. In total, seventeen works have been gathered in anthology from 21 authors: "The ones we repeat, over the last two years we have worked on an internal team to get the seeds through." In addition, ten guest authors have gathered works in this second part.

In the previous book they worked on the axis of the self and now yours will be the center. “When we started shaping the project, we made a long-term approach, and we wanted to open the door to the issues of the first edition being successive, because it would be nice if more copies came. On this occasion, we have focused on yours. Such an issue can give a great deal, because even if it is concrete, it can be understood in a very broad way; what marks the way when it comes to creating, but it is a very broad path, which gives room to the expression of each one”, said Hernaniarra.

And as far as colors are concerned, he explained that the same thing has also happened. They have chosen blue and orange because they are ‘complementary’ to each other; ‘we believe that this not only gives identity to the work, but also gives unity to the different styles that may be inside’.

The book can be requested in the following link:



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