Uxue Alberdi has chosen fifteen Bertsolaris women from different generations, backgrounds and styles who have approached the plaza and asked them to present their views on the same subject. That is, the weight of being a woman in Bertsolarism and how receptors feel when collecting their bertsos, from the point of view of being a woman. It is an exhibition that brings together 15 testimonies and has as its starting point the most significant passages.
These are the fifteen bertsolaris that have participated: Amaia Agirre, Ainhoa Agirreazaldegi, Maialen Akizu, Miren Amuriza, Maider Arrangi, Miren Artetxe, Maddalen Arzallus, Oihana Bartra, Onintza Enbeita, Nerea Ibarzabal, Oihana Iguaraka, Ane Martin
He has tried to bring to the book the voice of the Bertsolaris women of today, they are the subject. Uxue Alberdi has put the testimonies with Alkar, as if they were in a dialogue between the local neighbors. Therefore, the narrator is little in the story.
Among the situations or feelings that the fifteen bertsolaris have expressed, Uxue Alberdi has identified 21 mechanisms that serve to hide or defeat their bertsolaris. To be judged by their appearance, invisibility, alliances between men... are the obstacles that Bertsolaris women encounter in their performance. Alberdi mechanisms have been based on similar research in the field of literature, music, etc. to identify.
The author acknowledges that it has not been a comfortable job, because the violence suffered by women almost without realizing it emerges, because they speak out in some way. Alberdi has applauded the strength of women, their desire to sing berty. This is a solid group that can get you out of the opposite throat, perhaps a few years ago, according to the author, it would not have been possible.
This essay comes at the heart of the reflection on the future of Bertsolarism, and Uxue Alberdi believes it will serve to shed light on some of the most hidden issues. Women have been able to bring their struggle to the centre and the world of bertso must take it into account in order to move forward.
This news was published by Bizkaia and we brought it to the Basque Country thanks to the CC-By-SA license.
Kristina Mardaras, beste gauza askoren artean, bertsolaria da. Euskal Herriko Bertsolari Txapelketa Nagusian parte hartu zuen lehen emakumea izan zelako da ezagun, bertso munduan. Baina, baita hamaika bertso-saiotako antolatzaile eta entzule gisa ere. Izan ere, plaza utzi zuen,... [+]